What will the #COVID2019 pandemic mean for the business of news? Many news executives will be grappling with this question in the next months.

đź“ŚHere's a thread with a selection of articles on this pressing topic.
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3. These figures are confirmed by @Chartbeat's latest research, as @tumbling_after explains here. She's hosting a webinar on April 2. Instructions on how to join in her tweet https://twitter.com/tumbling_after/status/1243221930284589058?s=20
4. Advertising revenues are taking a massive blow. Some local publishers say they are down by 50%, some national titles by 30%.

"One of 🇮🇪 Ireland's biggest local newspaper groups is laying off dozens of workers due to the collapse of advertising income" https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0325/1126320-local-newspaper-job-losses/
7. Not every advertiser is abandoning local newspapers. This tweet from @yorkshirepost @JayMitchinson is a reminder that some local companies are helping local newspapers at this difficult time https://twitter.com/JayMitchinson/status/1243213907898118146?s=20
12. Here's a good primer from @NewspaperWorld on how Indian newspapers are fighting plunging revenues during the crisis

“Our primary focus has been on ensuring we reach our subscribers safely and on time," says a spokesperson from @the_hindu
16. The outbreak has also shown the true value of public service news in a public health crisis.

In the 🇬🇧UK @BBCNews has suspended plans to cut 450 jobs. The job losses, announced in January, were part of a plan to make £80m savings by 2022 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52035875
17. Should governments come to the rescue? @VWPickard argues they should in this @HarvardBiz piece

"Lack of taxpayer support forces public broadcasting to rely more on wealthy donors and corporate underwriters, making it less responsive to public needs" https://hbr.org/2020/03/journalisms-market-failure-is-a-crisis-for-democracy
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