The Coronavirus Regulations 2020: a thread. They are here, and came into force yesterday at 1pm. Unsurprisingly given the speed at which they had to be drafted, they don't match the PM's speech last week exactly. So what do they say? 1/24
Where does it apply? England only, Reg 1(2).

Who is 'responsible' for a business? Owner, proprietor and manager - so if an owner tells a manager to keep a business open, the manager must say no as it's their responsibility too, Reg 1(3)(b). 2/24
Who is 'vulnerable'? This is defined in Reg 1(3)(c) and includes anyone who is over 70 or pregnant. 3/24
The Regulations expire after 6 months, and the need for them must be reviewed every 21 days. 4/24
As we already know, most businesses are to be shut. A very interesting one on hotels, B'n'Bs and similar businesses though: they may be requisitioned by the Secretary of State. Wonder if this applies to AirBnB rooms or properties. 5/24
The one everyone wants to know about - Reg 6, restrictions on movement. The headline is simple: nobody may leave the place where they are living without 'reasonable excuse.' (This doesn't apply to the homeless.) 6/24
What is 'reasonable excuse' - it's defined in Reg 6(2). This is going to be a long one, sorry. So here we go: 7/24
Reg 6(2)(a) - obtaining necessities from shops for self or vulnerable people. Does this mean I can only shop for basics? No - it means you can't go out for luxury items alone, but if you are in Tesco for essentials then you won't be fined for picking up a bottle of wine too. 8/24
Reg 6(2)(b) - to take exercise either alone or with other members of the household. Contrary to some advice on social media, there is NO restriction on distance and there is NO restriction on the number of times you do this per day. 9/24
Can you drive to a place you exercise? Yes - otherwise you can't drive for any of the other 'reasonable excuses' such as shopping for the vulnerable or donating blood. What you can't do is 'gather' with others. 10/24
Driving a couple of miles away from dangerous country lanes with a dog and a toddler to exercise on a deserted heath? Fine. Driving to the beach for a barbecue with everyone else who had the same idea? Not fine, because that is a 'gathering.' 11/24
Reg 6(2)(c) - to seek medical assistance, Reg 6(2)(e) - to donate blood are self explanatory. 12/24
Reg 6(2)(d) - to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person. This includes dropping off shopping or providing personal care. If your friend is pregnant, you can do her shopping and drop it at the door. Just don't stay for a cup of tea and a biscuit! 13/24
Reg 6(2)(f) - to travel for the purposes of work or to provide voluntary or charitable services, where it is not reasonably possible for that person to work, or to provide those services, from the place where they are living. 14/24
This doesn't appear to be restricted to essential workers - although businesses which have remained open are likely to be those which are essential. 15/24
Reg 6(2)(g) - to attend a funeral if you are a member of the deceased person's household or a close family member - or a friend, but ONLY if there are no household members or family members attending. 16/24
Reg 6(2)(h) - to go to court, answer bail conditions, or participate in legal proceedings. 17/24
Reg 6(2)(i) - to access 'critical public services' which are schools (if a parent is a key worker or child has EHCP), social services, DWP, or victim services for victims of crime. 18/24
Reg 6(2)(j) - to move a child between households of separated parents to continue contact arrangements. An important one, because children in those circs are members of both households. And suggests the govt anticipate this lasting a lot longer than 3 weeks. 19/24
Reg 6(2)(k) - ministers can go to their places of worship. Reg 6(2)(l) - you can still move house!
Reg 6(2)(m) - to avoid injury, e.g. if your house is on fire you don't have to stay inside it. 20/24
Reg 7 - no gatherings, which means no more than 2 people meeting. Unless they are members of the same household, if it is essential for work, to attend a funeral, facilitate a house move, provide care to the vulnerable, or fulfil a legal obligation. 21/24
Enforcement: it's not just the police who can enforce this. It is also a PCSO or someone 'designated' by the SSHD, or a local authority, although a local authority will only have powers in relation to business closure. 22/24
Fines: starting fine is £60 fixed penalty (£30 if paid within 14 days). Second offence £120, and then it doubles for each offence up to £960. It doesn't appear that there is a route of appeal provided for in the Regs. 23/24
And that's it. Obviously the headline remains: don't go out unless you have to, but what is meant by 'unless you have to' now has legal definition and can be enforced. 24/24
Postscript: the law is what is enforceable, not what is recommended, it is still best to #stayhome. Like a speed limit, some people will break it, some people will treat it as a threshold, but a driving instructor will say drive 'up to' the speed limit not 'at' it. 25/25
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