she devoted her entire childhood and life to those children and being a caregiver to everyone in that house. she lost so much of her life to that. she had parents that didn't give a fuck about her, her entire identity was consumed by being a caregiver to her siblings
she finished school late, worked numerous jobs to support them, keep the lights on, makes sure they had food to eat. did she make a lot of mistakes and fucked up choices? yeah. did she almost kill liam? yeah. did she cheat on some people? yeah.
but everyone on that show did many things. most of the gallaghers served jail time. fiona served jail time. she struggled heavily with drugs and alcohol, despite how much she denied being an addict, she was an addict. all of it a means of distraction to deal with life.
addiction and mental health don't excuse her actions but explain it partially. but she made an effort when she was older to try and get her life together. getting into business, becoming more responsible before deciding to leave and get a fresh start
a fresh start that her siblings encouraged her to do. a chance for her to finally start living her life for herself. i just think she deserves some love. and i hope she's happy wherever she is.
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