Maybe 'Covfefe' is the alloy fueling magnetic core of Trump and Tesla's time device Uncle Trump invented. Nikola Tesla tried to teach us about magnetism & the manifestation of energy.
Our Ancient Ancestors worshiped the very same thing.
They also had vast knowledge of the cosmos.
CO =  #Cobalt,
V =  #Vanadium,
Fe =  #Iron.
So, COVFeFe is alloy of Cobalt, Vanadium & Iron which creates magnetic material that will facilitate many innovative technological advances for our future including space travel. Magnetism is not taught, the way Nikola tried to tell us.
I truly wonder if you could explain to me if it is possible that 5G wavelengths can be neutralized to make them not dangerous to our health in short/& long-term. There is a lot of concern about the timing of 5G being released in  #Wuhan before the virus started...
It is from my best understanding TESLA actually proved that you can neutralize scalar energy (Scalar field theory.

Can #COVFeFe magnets essentially cleanse the impurities from 5G & work on an ionic level & keep oxygen from being depleted rendering the signals harmless?

I just have to believe that Trump is on top of this. I can't fathom that be doesn't have a solution to this stuff. If he isn't, then he isn't. Regardless we should be.

I have a few concerns with the rollout of 5g and the health consequences of untested technology.
Intensive infrastructure will be required because 5G technology is effective only
over short distances, and is poorly transmitted through solids. This requires
unobstructed paths between transmitters and receivers. So, many antennae
are necessary, preferably line-of-sight.
As a result, full-scale implementation
could result in “small” yet powerful antennae every 2 to 10 houses in residential
areas. There is strong evidence that the
radiation we are now being exposed to from 3G and 4G has serious adverse
effects on long-term human health.
The new spectrum proposed to be licensed has
undergone very little research on human health effects. What
we do know is of concern. Cancer concerns – All radiation from wireless devices have been designated a
Class 2B, possible human carcinogen. Lead/DDT are in same category.
Skin will be most affected – 5G radiation is chiefly absorbed by the skin, the
largest organ of the body. The importance of an informed, precautionary
approach is magnified due to interactions between wireless radiation and
chemical toxicants.
As one example, some toxicants can concentrate in the skin,
and interactions with wireless radiation may be one reason for increasing
incidence of skin cancers on non-sun-exposed skin. 5G may possibly magnify and
accelerate this issue.
We simply do not
know the full effects of 5G pulsed frequencies.

…Russian and Chinese defense agencies have been developing weapons
that rely on capability of this electromagnetic frequency range to induce
unpleasant burning sensations on skin as form of crowd control.
waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial
Systems. This is exploiting the fact that sweat ducts may act as antennae for
sub-millimetre wavelength radiation, that can cause point heating and pain.
Treatments with millimetre wave frequencies in trials have effectively treated
headache, arthritic, neuropathic and acute postoperative pain.

Over 224 scientists from 41 nations, who have
published peer-reviewed papers on the biological or health effects of non-ionizing
radiation, made the following statement: “These findings
justify our appeal to the United Nations (UN) and, all member States in the world,
to encourage the World Health Organization (WHO) to exert strong leadership in
fostering the development of more protective
EMF guidelines, encouraging
precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks, particularly
risk to children and fetal development. By not taking action, the WHO is failing to
fulfill its role as the preeminent international public health agency.”
We should learn from past public health disasters. The growing evidence indicates that exposure from wireless
device emissions are becoming a public health catastrophe of comparable
Will It Give Us a "Smart" Nation or Contribute to An Unhealthy One?
In short bursts, I wouldn't be so stressed about it, but to be *constantly* radiating ourselves with this kind of radiation is unprecedented and reason for alarm.

It seems intuitive to not want to be radiated constantly. The more I look into it, the more alarming it becomes.
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