For every 500g of mince (50/50 pork and beef):
One large onion
2 sticks of celery
2 medium carrots...
As fine or rustic as you want. Glug of oil... Sweat the fuck out of them (10-15 mins)

Add the mince... cook through so nothing looks pink, but not grey...
Add 200ml of milk and cook till nearly all gone.
Pour about a large glass of white wine (verdecchio, soave etc) in to the pot when milk all but gone.
Always drink from the bottle as you do this. ALWAYS!
Cook it off, slowly... Don't boil the fuck out out of it
Keep stirring and moving the mince around.
When you're not sure if you have winey milk or milky wine... Put a time of plum tomatoes through a food mill and add that (buy one now if you don't have one). Scraping all of the goodness off the bottom.
As much wanky salt flakes as you can hold between your thumb and two fingers. Then grind the pepper mill as if killing off a character in a book.
Bring to a volcanic bubble, turn the heat down and let it occasionally show signs of life for an hour or three.
Nothing to it.
That's my Ragu.
That should read tin of tomatoes... If tomatoes were a measure of time we'd be here for eternity
If you want to zoom or face time when making it, don't call me. Cheers
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