Sasse amendment fails… Manchin was the only Dem to vote for capping unemployment at 100% of wages.
“Heck, if they’re making more money sitting at home … I’m fearful that some may not want to come back,” said Adam Rammel, the co-owner of Brewfontaine, a bar and restaurant in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
“If the intention was to get people back to work, they’re not doing it,” said Tom Colicchio, the “Top Chef” judge, who has been an advocate for small restaurants during the pandemic. “They’re not going to come back to work because unemployment is too attractive.”
"Supercharging unemployment benefits has long been a priority for Senate Democrats," said Ron Wyden, the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee. "Our proposal was not a drafting error."
Pelosi has already demanded that this recovery-killing program that makes unemployment pay more than work should be extended from its current July 31 expiration to the end of September!
To be fair, precisely ONE Democrat voted to fix this: Joe Manchin.
Hi NPR. Glad you finally noticed, but that's $600 per week federal **on top of** existing state unemployment benefits.
There is some variation by state, but a $10/40hr worker who makes $400 per week working now makes about $800 per week on unemployment.

$15/40hr worker makes $600 per week working and $900 on unemployment

$20/40hr makes $800 per week working and gets $1000 on unemployment.
Again it varies by state, but as things open up small businesses are going to find a sort of shadow minimum wage of $22 or $23 an hour is necessary to match what people are making on unemployment. Most just won't be able to afford to pay it.
And remember:

* Democrats did this on purpose. Ron Wyden: "Our proposal was not a drafting error."

* All Senate Dems except Joe Manchin voted against fixing it.

*Pelosi already demanded it be extended two more months from July 31 to September 30.
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