when MIA started gunning against black lives matter, sayin black ppl appropriated carnival from indians& accusing black women of biting her music...when her whole career was built of coopting black music? i was done with her antiblack ass.
like how MIA got the nerve to accuse black women of copying her when black ppl were so kind as to quietly let her build fame and fortune off our music. girl. the AUDACITY. this girl did baile funk, reggeaton, hip hop, kuduro, etc: all black, black, black. if u dont get tf
then MIA played victim when after all her gunning against black lives matters, ppl didnt want her performing at afropunk. u need to pick one. u hate black ppl fighting for their rights& u not black so why tf would u belong at AFROpunk. nothin afro bout u but the music u coopt.
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