Can I commit to this 31-day Li Bowen challenge? 😌
(template cr. 你是我的可爱限定_)
1. 入坑瞬间 - moment I entered the pit aka the moment I descended into LBW hell

Early November 2019 and I watched him put on lipstick (Yunmeng Jiang shade) during a livestream. I fell right away 💄💋🥺💘
2. 看的第一部作品 - first (acting) work I watched

3. 最喜欢的角色 - favorite role

Song Lan, definitely ❤️ I think Bowen portrayed him really well. But I also thoroughly enjoyed watching him as Zhen Zheng so he comes in a close second 🥰
4. 最喜欢的服饰 - favorite outfit

Two outfits because how can you choose when Bowen looks good in everything he wears 💖 (two-part post because this app cropping is sh*t)

4.1 I'm always a sucker for military-inspired fashion (plus legs for days) 💘
4.2 I especially love the chiffon detail on his sleeves 💕
5. 最喜欢的自拍 - favorite selfie

6. 最喜欢他的点 - favorite quality/attribute

playful, laughs a lot, easily gets embarrassed; claims to be 高冷的人 but very warm-hearted and thoughtful 💖 quite profound and wise too ✨
7. 最喜欢的一首歌 - favorite song

His cover of JJ Lin's 《当你》。
I wish he could sing it entirely someday.
8. 最常用的表情包 - most commonly used meme
9. 最心仪的造型 - favorite styling

this photo shoot from <KIDULTY潮流先锋>✨✨✨
10. 最感人的语录 - most touching quote

When asked what quality sets him apart from others:
「I am myself, everyone is different from everybody else. There may be people who look like you, sound like you, have the same name as you and so on, but you are you and can only be you.」
11. 最好看的私服 - best looking personal outfit(s)

Orange and green are colors that are hard to pull off but they look good on him. I'm also very fond of his 'uncle' look 😘💕 adding the FG shirt one because hawt 🤭
12. 最喜欢的部位 - favorite part

Uh, everything? 🥺 But most especially his brown eyes - which become more obvious when light shines on them and the tiny crinkles around them when he smiles 🥰🥰🥰
13. 最圈粉的瞬间 - best moment in fandom

I think we can collectively agree that he surprised us with his amazing vocals when he sang《孤城》 during the farewell concert in Nanjing 💖
14. 最喜欢的笑容 - favorite smile

((sorry not sorry, but I have to cheat here because I cannot choose just one pic 😌))

14.1 his gummy smile 🥰🥰🥰
14.2 直播中 😘😘😘
14.3 with friends 💕💕💕
14.4 I just love his smile, okay? 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
15. 最喜欢的饭拍 - favorite fan-taken photo(s); another sub-thread 😁

15.2 💐
15.3 remember those piggies for him and sjy? 🤭
15.4 he's always so playful around jl 😄
16. 印象最深的微博 - weibo post that left the deepest impression

His post about Song Lan - no one understood Song Lan as much as Bowen did 💙❄️
17. 最喜欢的采访 - favorite interview

This Esquire Fine interview during his stay-at-home period 🏡 - from lying down the sofa for 10 hours to watching food broadcasts to cutting his hair 💇‍♂️... plus that lonely-looking loaf of bread 🍞
18. 翻牌记录 - got picked/got a reply

❤️”... 但我不会详细说明。🥺💘
19. 最温暖的问候 - warmest greeting

when he called chestnuts “宝贝儿” 🥰💕
20. 最喜欢的造型 - favorite look

this is like day 9, so let me add more of his A+ looks to that and also day 4 (favorite outfit) 💖💖💖
21. 最感性的互动 - most emotional interaction

Personally, none yet, but it melts your heart to see him like this 🥺💕
22. 最喜欢的食物 - favorite food

He likes anything - meat, fish, veggies, watermelon, even salted egg chips... just don't make him eat spicy food 😆
23. 喜欢听的歌 - song I like listening to

Like day 7, his rendition of 当你. Also 孤城,达尔文... basically all songs even the ones he sings along to during his livestreams 🤭💕

24. 最戳笑点的图 - image(s) that make you laugh the most

Poor bb keeps getting distracted while counting cards, cannot win a toy, cannot open a box *pats* 😅
25. 最喜欢的同款 - favorite similar merch owned

...does this moisturizer count? It's the only Bowen-related stuff I have right now 😆
26. get的技能 - skill I acquired (from/because of lbw)

I became more motivated to learn 中文, I guess? ☺️
27. 最骄傲的时刻 - proudest moment

Everyday ❤️
28. 最大的改变 - biggest change

「I really think whether it's the runway or the screen, they are both things I like to do. I'm also striving to do better towards becoming an actor.」
29. 对他最想说的话 - what I want to tell him the most

- I admire you very much; hope you are always safe, healthy, and happy. Keep reaching for the stars but please don't be too hard on yourself because you are doing great 💖💖💖
30. 最喜欢的图 - favorite image

Too many. Every photo in this thread are my favorites and I'm adding a few more 🤭😘💕💕💕
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