part 4 of my naruto first watch live tweet thread bc part 3 was getting rly long!!!!:
starting out right with My Brand
gonna throw back to some stuff i never posted for some reason:

no bi
no bi
this is from right after they defeat kimimaro

punches me in the heartu
naruto is my son and i just think he look rly cute in this clip
sometimes kakashi’s hair is just comically enormous
i just like shino
oh to be a sunglasses jounin in a seagull kigurumi
i’ve been waiting for so long for tHEM TO MEET
this looks like the run from devilman i cant unsee it
konan is cool as hell and her jutsu is cool as hell
holy shirt konan is metal af pls call me back
ooooooo so nagato was an uzumaki

*surprisedly does the milly rock*
killer bee has rights
i’m knee deep in war episodes but i’m honestly still not over naruto outing that trans armadillo 😔😔😔 leave her alone get a job

killer bee is now the only jinchuriki who has rights
killer bee is a trans ally
tako o-san being localized to “octopops” is the worst thing i’ve ever heard. someone who’s seen the dub PLEASE tell me if he says this in english
literally what the fyck deidara
this was definitely meant to be a movie but they split it into episodes bc they needed more filler i see through you naruto lmao
nice dorohedoro reference
the central department store is really buggin out man
i’d refer to kyuubi naruto as “hole-kun” but i forgot to take a pic and i’m not going back
in another very niche reference; all those little nasty snakes all up in the water, what is this? a cure for wellness?
s/o to the three people on earth who will understand that
anyway: this is peak character design
i care about mini rasen shuriken and mini rasen shuriken only
i am so delighted by reanimated itachi and naruto just having a conversation while fighting each other
i think it’s incredibly funny that child sasuke was such an edgelord at school but then at home he was just Ultimate Baby Boy
*kero kero bonito flamingo voice*
how many filler do i have to watch
before i can get-back tothe main story?

*pan flute solo*
alright, had a little mcbreaklemore but i’m back at it again:

whattup i’m ellen i’m 24 and i’ve never fuckin seen naruto before
i mean i guess at this point ive seen uh- more than half of it but iM STILL GOIN
awww they fist bumped 🥺
kurama when naruto shows up to see him in head jail
what is he so adorable for, honestly
rly good pic of might guy
jiraiya corrupted him i’m so disappointed
what happened to my good sweet boy
come back young naruto ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
madara looks like backwards adult sasuke. or maybe adult sasuke looks like backwards madara 🤔
(i’ll be real i skipped like 8 filler episodes bc i wanted to get to this faster)
the way kisame talks really makes u wanna push him down a long flight of stairs at least once
this is so cute wrhattsxnkxkskd tailed beast counting song
me: really trying to like sasuke

sasuke: says something

me: ohhhhhh noooooooo
i blame konoha for letting a highly traumatized child raise himself but also like
shhshshhhssshhhhh shut up
can i get like a parent and/or guardian in here pLEASE
if i could get some ninja duct tape for kabutos chatty lil smug snake mouth i would pay any amount of ninja dollars
at least this jazzy opening is keeping me sane
is this gonna be another one of those episodes like Sad News where i’m like lmao but then oh i really was in hell
sasukes like “u were perfect” and itachis like “lmao dude no way in hell” and i respect that
itachi subtly trying to tell his brother ‘it’s okay you were being a dumb ass that’s mostly my fault just go hang out with your friends already’ and sasuke like “???? are we still talking about kabuto i’m confuse”
me to myself just now: “the uchiha coup is like brexit except instead of brexit happening all the old british people were just m*rdered”
LISTEN all the teenage uchihas were like “that’s dumb let’s not do that!!” and all the old guys were like “no!! also we hate immigrants!!”
i’m never going to forget that my reaction to kabutos stomach snake was “he’s pregnant!” and suigetsus was “is that a big dick”
getting emotional about kakashi and obito hours
giving me a kakashi focused arc but then also including danzo in it is truly the law of equivalent exchange
omg they’re all wearing masks how will i tell which one is kakashi

(god he’s so small alskfkflfl)
i can’t watch anymore naruto bc if i don’t see neji die then did it really happen 🤔🤔
every hour or so i return to the cr app to stare at that thumbnail of neji and then just.... look away
i finally watched it 😔😔😔 rest in peace u little sweet roll
i barely even had time to be properly sad about neji bc obito had to bust his dumb ass in like ISNT WAR THE WORST WE SHOULD JUST STOP WAR and then i got mad. like YEAH IT IS SO WHY DONT U SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN U FLACCID SPAGHETTI NOODLE DICK
i’m sorry for being the worst but LEE FVCKIN STOLE NEJIS EYEBROWS
*emotionally charged scene*
me: wait did neji always not have eyebrows
i reserve the right to change my opinion if i must but as if this moment hashirama is the beeeeeest
[prince of egypt voice]
you who i called brother
why must you call down another blow
let my people goooooooooo
watched this fight like 5-6 times for yknow; peak devastation (also it was cool)
not to carve into my heart the way kakashi’s voice trembles when he says “it’s over” or the way his hand shakes before he pulls his arm from obitos chest definitely not that
this is maybe the worst thing that has ever happened to me
why do i know so many of these songs WHY DO I KNOW SO MANY OF THESE SONGS
if tomorrow is naruto’s birthday then this all takes place on my birthday lol 🤙🤙
okay OKAY so PRINCESS KAGUYA MOONLASTNAME EATS THE CHAKRA FRUIT ajskaksh AND HER SONS NAME IS HAGOROMO IMMMMMM if she flys to the moon and leaves her son AngelCoat on earth...... masashi kishimoto i have No Words
i’m kinda glad i’m watching naruto as an adult or i never would’ve picked up on all these blatant references (pls name another uchiha jutsu after a god i’m begging you)
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