Dear Trump Supporters:

I no longer blame Trump for everything that is going wrong in our country...I blame you.

I get it... you thought it would be "fun" to have a disgusting, sexist, foul-mouthed game show host in the White House because he would "shake things up"...
...and because he entertained you and hated Obama, Mexicans, and Muslims as much as you do...he has spent the last 38 months cultivating an alternative reality for you where you THINK you are “owning the libs" by using racial slurs openly and wearing “Fuck Your Feelings” t-shirts
But as:

...your 401k loses value because the stock market tanks

...the country slips into a recession

...your friends die from COVID-19 because Trump defunded the Pandemic Response Team and lied to the country for MONTHS leaving us unprepared
..your city's drinking water source becomes so contaminated from fracking and commercial waste that your grandchild develops a stomach tumor

...your air becomes too polluted for your asthmatic daughter to breathe
..your elderly neighbor dies because her Social Security benefits stopped and she has no income to keep her heat and power on

... migrant children continue to be caged and sexually abused at the border and then "lost" in the foster care system
...the really nice single mom who smiles when she rings up your coffee at the gas station gets evicted from her apartment because her SNAP benefits were taken away and she can no longer afford to feed her kids AND pay the rent on $7.85/hour
...your best friend's son is killed in Saudi Arabia protecting oil because he is one of Trump's "US troops sold to the highest bidder" soldiers

...we are attacked on our own soil and we are left to fight alone because Trump has ruined all relationships with allies
...know that it was YOUR racism, YOUR selfishness, YOUR apathy, and YOUR ignorance that caused all of this. The misery, the lives ruined, the lives lost, and the destruction to our country all fall directly on YOUR shoulders.
Hope it was worth the couple of laughs you got off of Trump giving people childish nicknames and then twisting his arms up and jerking his body around to make fun of a disabled reporter.

One of the 65,000,000+ Americans who knew better
PS: See you in November
Q weirdo alert!
Oh and don’t forget that she is NOT a’s right in the name
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