We’re not sufficiently discussing mental health & wellbeing risks to social isolation, we really ought to. There may well be a mental heath crisis post-isolation. Particularly in vulnerable groups. There are a few things we can all to look after ourselves. A short thread.
1) Stay connected. As much as you can. Use phone. Skype. FaceTime. Zoom. Make sure to hear and ideally see people everyday.
2) Limit the time you spend watching the news. There is little point in tracking terror inducing news every minute of the day or getting incessant alterts. This is likely to increase anxiety. Once a day is plenty. Enough for most of us.
3) Plan pleasurable activities. Everyday. Timetable them. What bring a smile to your face? What brings you joy which you can still do at home? Music? Dancing? Reading? Do a little bit of that everyday.
4) Build stronger relationship with those in your household, if you don’t live alone. And if it is safe to do. Spend quality time with them. Talk (I know revolutionary, right?).
5) Related to that it is usually best not to bottle things up. Express fear, worry, anger, despair..., if you struggle to express yourself consider writing or art.
6) Keep active. Move. The government allows us to get out the house for exercise. Do it. Go for a long walk or a run. Also armchair exercises are good. Plenty of videos on YouTube.
7) Laugh! Some of us have become expert at dark humour. It may not be your cup of tea. But again whatever makes you giggle wether watching a funny movie or cracking up jokes, Di this regularly.
8) Structure your day. This is particularly important for those without work or other formal commitments. Consider planning in advance what you will do each day. And again include things to be looking forward to.
9) Clean up your lifestyle. This is really about lifestyle hygiene. Try to eat ‘clean’ as often as you can. Tighten sleep hygiene as much as you can. Remember to be kind to yourself.
10) Practice gratitude. I know this may sound counter-intuitive but the evidence base is solid. Try everyday to remember one or two things you’re grateful for. Little things & big things. This will help you to ‘catch the good’ to pay attention to beauty in the world too.
I hope this is helpful welllbeing/self-care wise.

If you’re struggling please contact your GP, your therapist (if you have one).

The Samaritans 116-123 are available 24h a day.

Remember you are not alone & you will make it through.

If you’re in immediate danger call 999 (UK)
You can follow @KGuilaine.
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