How about this for coronavirus "realism" - Let's spitball some numbers [THREAD]

WHO March 24 report lists total cases: 372,757 & deaths: 16,231

Given asymptomatics, misdiagnosis, low testing, too-late travel bans, let's triple that for a "possible" real case # of 1,118,271

Let's halve the 0.72% we very roughly came up with because of medical heroics or cause more people had coronavirus mildly:

0.36% death rate

This *may be* the best case scenario given no human herd immunity, vaccine delay, medical resource hard limits in many countries, etc.
Truth is, there are so many "if's" that will change the outcome as they emerge, are discovered, or are distributed.

That anti-malarial drug needs to be proven in the field - if it works large scale, it's a total blessed surprise, not something anyone expected was available.

Calculating the death count now vs the case count now actually gives an inaccurate picture because those who die of COVID-19 take 2-6 *weeks* after infection to drop out.

Unprecedented vaccine efforts may yield a fast breakthrough. Or the vaccine will be here summer 2021...

How much have bans, lockdowns & voluntary action limited the seeding of WuFlu across each country geographically?

How "too-late" were the measures?

Where have there been super-spreaders? Where have there not been?

We'll know these unknowns soon.

Stay frosty my friends. 6/6
It's happening.

New Orleans and Detroit coming in hot like this surprised me though; missed some info in all the noise.

Seattle might be pulling off something heroic at least. 🙏🏾
I started this thread with a thought experiment tripling the coronavirus case # & halving the death count to try to get closer to the actual death rate.

I'm now of a mind for hard-hit areas to 10x the case # & 1.5x the death #.

Still coming in around 0.5% death rate w/ NY data.
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