My prediction thread.

I wrote this down several days ago
My prediction: Coming Next

The government implemented massive population-wide / life-changing impacts based on faulty data which has caused enormous and unnecessary hardships on the American people...
Trump will lift the harsh federal recommendations with some guidance by next week and allow state governments to proceed with caution.
But Democrats will use this as a wedge issue and try to make this Trump’s Katrina. Some will adopt this as the new climate change cause and fundraise from here to the election on it.
By next week we will hit 1 million people tested, 70,000 cases and 1000 deaths. By then, spring will be at the doorstep, influenza will drop in general and likely COVID-19 with it.
Some virus hotspots will have some dramatic hospitalization issues but they will be limited to 10 states or cities including NYC & CT, Washington, IL, MD, NC... a few others. They’ll recover within a week or two and the pace will be pretty predictable.
Trump will encourage more loosening to get people back to work. Newsom will finally follow. Cuomo it seems is already on the same page with Trump.

Deaths will continue at a pace of 1000 to 2500 a month.
The press will keep on the death counter and write 200 articles on surpassing the death-toll of Katerina next week and 9/11 by July 4th
COVID-19 will pick back up by the fall just in time for the Democrats to call foul in October and squeeze it for all it’s worth leading up to the election.
We will look back at the year with fewer than 25K deaths over 9 months and wish we hadn’t pulled the trigger on this type of thing just yet. Because when another pandemic hits with truly devastating potential the American people are going to balk and say “they’re crying wolf.”
You can follow @justin_hart.
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