Watching #SelfMadeNetflix as a historian who specializes in Black women in work/business/industry, specifically uncovering their struggles 4 economic justice I thought abt the texts/contexts that would have helped clarify the life of MCJW. I am starting #SelfMadeSyllabus. (1)
Second up, Deborah Gray White's Too Heavy A Load, is a classic in Black women's history and tells the history of Black women's organizations, including the National Association of Colored Women, (3)
Fourthly, Darlene Clark Hine, Rape and the Inner Lives of Black Women, a seminal work uncovering Black women's experiences of sexual violence and the strategies they used to protect themselves (5)
Additionally, Julia Kirk Blackwelder's Stylin Jim Crow: African American Beauty Training During Segregation explores Black beauty education during the Jim Crow era (8)
Not done yet, also Tiffany Gill's brilliant Beauty Shop Politics which explores Black women's beauty activism, nationally and internationally, including their organizational and professional efforts (10)
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