The creation of the Federal Reserve
Part 1

The Titanic was luxurious British steamship that sank in the early hours of April 15th 1912 leading to the deaths of more than 1500 passengers and crew by striking an iceberg in the north Atlantic on..
Its first voyage.

The real story...
What is Marine fraud?

The Titanic and the Olympic were almost identical in every way. These ships were deliberately switched due to an accident that happened to the Olympic. The story begins with in ...
Brisbane Australia, Patty Benton aka (patty the pig) stated that the Titanic DID NOT sink by an iceberg, but rather the effects from a coal fire in the chambers of Titanic. The Olympic was unstable and unusable because of the accident the year before..
but if the ships were switched and the Ins companies thought the Titanic sank, they would be willing to pay in full. When Patty (crewman) came to shore, a British gov official pulled the crew aside made them swear to secrecy under the "Secrecy act" .In 1985..
On Sep 1st at 12:00 am, an American submersible made the greatest discovery in aquatic history, the Titanic. At 2 1/2 miles deep, during the research of the hull ,the damage was exactly where Patty said it would be (the fire). The Olympic was launched..
a full year before Titanic on 1911. After leaving south Hampton 1911, the HMS HAWK had a collusion with the Olympic, it wasn't until the damage of HMS HAWKS underwater ram became clear, after the Olympic arrived for repair. To which in such investigations..
exactly duplicates the damage done to Titanic. To make matters worse, the White Star Line receives no Ins payment for the Olympic because the Royal Navy investigated and found no fault of the HAWK. The Titanics ultimate owner was JP Morgan,the most ruthless..
financiers of that time,head of the White Star Line was Bruce Ismae, an equal partner to JP Morgan. They knew they were in trouble and came up with an idea. Why not take 2 identical ships, 200 ft away from each other at the port and swap them.
The only way to complete this is to make them completely identical. In photos taken before the launch of 1912, the port hole of Titanic had a 5 port hole arrangement on the deck, that feature was missing on the Olympic at the time. In the winter of 1911...
this feature was changed by Bruce Ismae. In March the Olympic was brought into drydock in Belfest to have a propeller which was a 2 day job, yet stayed there 12 days..this is the point that the switch was made. Most ships new voyages are given 2-4 days...
of inspections, Titanic didn't get 1,inspectors thought they were looking at a "new ship" and didn't notice the fire damage to the hull because they never entered the coal chambers. So was Patty right about the crew being made aware of the switch? At that..
time, Britain was on a coal strike. On last minute Titanic financial owner, JP Morgan cancelled his trip due to "I'll health", only 2 days later after a new York times reporter ran into JP Morgan to find him overly healthy and excited...
Stanley Lord, captain of the passenger ship Californian (which also owned by JP Morgan) played a major part in the plan. The coal strike left the Californian stranded 2 days before the Titanic set sail, then "suddenly" there was enough coal. Captain Lord..
set into the mid Atlantic with no passengers or cargo on "sudden orders", except did have 3000 sweaters and blankets, exactly what you need to turn a ship into a glorified lifeboat, (Foreknowledge).
The Californian sailed full speed across the Atlantic..
before "suddenly" coming to a hault on April 14th, captain Lord orders the California to immediately hault, ignoring all ice warnings. Only 4 hrs from the the actions and departure of Titanic. 1hr 25mins after collision, Titanic launched its first lifeboat..
by that morning over 1500 people were dead, more than 700 of the 900 employed on Titanic died, to the remaining crew, once returned were not greeted as portrayed in history books or movies, but rather held and question by "White Star line" and gov officials..
In an old rail way shed. Why where "mug shots" taken of the surviving crew? How many actual post cards of that time show the "actual" Titanic? Or was it the Olympic?
In 1889 Morgan Robinson wrote "The wreck of the titan"..
14 years later this fictional book..
Becomes real. 4 of the wealthiest men in the world men in the world were on the Titanic, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss Jocob Astor and JP Morgan. However JP Morgan cancelled at the last minute due to "illness", the other 3 men part of the Board, opposed..
the idea of the Federal Reserve. Just so "happened" all 3 of those men died on Titanic, coincidence?
Following the Federal Reserve act of 12/23/1913 by Woodrow Wilson, was signed into law under the cloak and dagger of Christmas, using such a holiday as ...
cover knowing many wouldn't oppose the law due to being with family. Woodrow Wilson signed away our rights as an Independent Nation over to the European financial Cartel many are still unaware of. On Nov 22 1910 in New Jersey, the richest man in America..
boarded a train (shades drawn) belonging to Nelson Aldrich (Rockefeller in law) of billionaire John D Rockefeller jr. Aldrich was referred as the Gen manager of the Nation, joining him was private secretary Shelton, Frank Vanderlip, Henry P Davison..
Benjamin Strong jr, and Paul Warburg. Told to arrive 1 by 1 after sunset to attract as little attention as possible. Secrecy was key, so they all used their first names only. Their destination was an island off the coast of GA, Jeckle island. Home who ...
who included the Morgans, Rockefellers, Warburgs and Rothschilds. Under the cover of "duck hunting" they secretly drafted a "Reform" of the banking industry in secret. Bertie Charles Forbes (Forbes mag) in 1916 first reported on the issue of Jeckle island..
but a quarter century later, Frank Vanderlip wrote an article about the situation on Feb 9th 1935. So what happened? A plan for a central banking system to be owned and run by the banks, which would organize the national banks into a private cartel. The Fed..
is appeared to be a Gov entity, it's not. It's a private bank held by private shareholders, with private profit, with a charter from the king that allows them to print money out of thin air (with interest) at your expense.

Continue to Part 2➡️
Further notes..

1) Why were all red flares removed (signifying emergency) removed and replaced with white flares 2 weeks prior (Which signified for a party)?

2) Titanic sinks/tax day?
Symbolism will be their downfall
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