पहला दिन

ये पूरे 21 दिन का एक #कोराना_सीरीज है

रात के 3:05 बजे है।
छत में अकेले,
पुलिस सायरन को आवाज
चिड़ियों की चहचहाहट
कुत्तों का बाऊ बाऊ
आसमान में तारे और बादल साथ है
और सन्नाटा

अब तक कोई रणनीति नहीं है कि क्या किया जाएगा।


सबसे पहले इस लड़ाई को जो लड़ रहे हैं उनको नमन है लेकिन हर वो इंसान जो घर में भी है और 21 दिनों तक सरकारी नियमो का पालन करने वाला है उनका सहयोग अविश्वसनीय है और प्रसंशा के पात्र है।

एक चुनौती है सबके सामने लेकिन हौसला बहुत जरूरी है और उस हौसले को बनाए रखने के लिए हम सब की सूझ बूझ को सिर्फ आप तक नहीं रहे और ना ही आपके घर तक सीमित रहनी चाहिए बल्कि अपने मुहल्ले तक दायरा बढ़ाना होगा।
जागरूक रहे सजग रहे और अड़ोस पड़ोस को भी सजग रखे।
घर में रह कर और मिलकर ही होगा।
बहुत ही जरूरी और संजीदगी वाली बात है और जो शायद सबके मन में होगा या आएगा की गरीब लोगो का क्या होगा?

मतलब उनके खाने पीने व्यवस्था सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है और हर एक मुहल्ला मिलकर कुछ बहुत मदत करे या सरकारी विभाग को सूचित करे और आवाज उठाए।
देरी हो तो खाना पीने का इंतजाम कराए।
रही बात कोरोना की तो कसम खाए को 21 दिन में इसको ख़तम कर देंगे।

सब ने अपने जीवन काल में कोई ना कोई सुपरहीरो बनाया होगा जिसके कंधे में दुनिया बचाने का बोझ या देश को सुरक्षित रखने का जिम्मा उठाते देखा होगा

बस वही समझो
की हर कोई
स्पाइडर मैन
आयरन मैन
निंजा वॉरिय र
ही मैन
चाचा चौधरी

है और सबको बचाने की जिम्मेदारी हम सबकी है।

ज़िंदा रहोगे तो काम आओगे अन्यथा कोरोना याद रहेगा आप भुला दिए जाओगे
शहर वालो को घर से बाहर नहीं निकलना है गाव वालो को गांव से
और गांव शहर के 20,000 घर खड़े कर दो इतना बड़ा है।

आज तुम्हारे करोड़ों के घर से गाव के खेतों से सस्ते है।
बहुत शहर शहर चिल्लाते हो और विकास की बात करते हो।
लोग अफवाह और मोदी विरोध में या किसी भी तरह के विरोध में जी रहे है,

अभी का को डाटा आया है उसमे 639 लोग प्रभावित है महाराष्ट्र और केरला टॉप में है

शायद ही इससे ⤵️ कोई कीमती समय होगा किसी के जीवन में डॉक्टर पिता करोना से ग्रसित आखिरी वक्त

लोग कारॉना की भयावहता को नहीं समझ पा रहै है और अगर इसको 21 दिनों में कंट्रोल में लाना है तो सूट @ साइट का ऑर्डर दीजिए और गाइडलाइन निकले लोगो की जरूरी समान पहुंचाने के लिए ।
कल सुबह झुकाम और उसके बाद खासी वैसी जैसी कारोणा में बताया गया है
हाथ पांव दिमाग पूरी तरह से हिल जा था है सोच सोच के कहीं है तो नहीं
छाती में हल्की सी जकड़न
और दिमागी टेंशन की वजह से डर बहुत है और नींद प्रॉपर लेने की कोशिश करी है
गरम पानी नमक ले रहे हैं
आज दवा लेना है
दिल करता है दिखा लू करोना वालो को तो में को शांति मिले
दुनिया में लोग घूमते फिरते गाड़ी बाइक में घूमते दिख रहे हैं।
समय बहुत नाज़ुक है डॉक्टर्स डरे हुए हैं लोग उनकी समस्याएं बढ़ाए जा रहे हैं।

प्रॉपर प्रोटोकॉल की जरूरत है और शहरों का टेस्टिंग बढ़ाना जरूरी है


Really, We need more Tests as soon possible to save everyone and at least mass test to those cities which have at least one C +ve or One International Travelling History since December २०१९.


Hi @srivatsayb,

Some are saying that Mass Testing could be lethal for India bcz it is getting failure in Italy & America while others are finding Lockdown a good option.

What would you think if it cn b done at door step in focused manner rather randomly
स्थिति ऐसी है को बस बड़ता ही जा रहा है
हफ्ते भर में ये स्थिति और भयावह हो सकती है

कुछ लोग कह रहे है बहुत अधिक मात्रा में टेस्ट किया जाए लेकिन उसके अपने खतरे है
उस स्थिति में ये पूर्णतया गृह बंद कहीं हद तक ठीक है लेकिन ज्यादा से ज्यादा टेस्ट किए जाए जिससे स्थति और साफ हो जाए

रास्ते में पड़े लोगो के लिए व्यवस्था करे
पुलिस का रवैया सुधारे

वो सब भूखे प्यासे हैं अस हाय है सेवा के भागी दंड के नहीं

@myogiadityanath @ArvindKejriwal
@mlkhattar @ChouhanShivraj
@smritiirani @M_Lekhi @nsitharaman
Watch the travelling of people and how they got infected...

P301 - 69 Years Old - Phuket Delhi Erode
P502 - 54 Years Old - No Travel History but came into contact with P301.

Social Distancing is the only way to save us.


इनको जगह देना इसलिए जरूरी है कि ये ज्ञान पेल रही है #चीनी_वायरस ना बोलो क्युकी ये अच्छा नहीं और भेदभाव पूर्ण है

एनडीटीवी और वॉशिंगटन पोस्ट के लोग का हाल यही है

वैसे @sankrant जी ने जवाब अच्छा दिया है दोनों पढ़ें की चीन अब PR
कर रहा

These are above some Trend to shame China for their sin to the world.


It will create problem soon kindly release advisory to every thana to act ethically and morally.

Please make your personnel learn some ways to handle it.
wild Fire


When cases reached to 5,31,000+, Chinese are looking for Business at G20 Summit.

World can live without China for years to make such region to understand the Humanity and action of Non Human.
Look at the impact of #ChineseVirus
aka Corona across the world.


China lied to the humanity and every living being suffering due to #Chinese_virus and Loss of Economy.

Hey tell your regime that we are going to ban you forever. You regime killed your people and mine too.

If business is so important then fuck of @Chinamission2un @XHNews @ChinaDaily @PDChina
The Most Irresponsible Media of the World #Chinese_Journalists
Today I have given to a small Child

(१) ₹१०
(२) २ kg Rice
(३) One Soap
(४) Half Handwash Liquid
इस बार बहुत राज उठने वाले हैं


@TIinExile @Aabhas24 #nileshoak
@LostTemple7 @ReclaimTemples @RajVedam1 @WHCongress @yogrishiramdev

मै और सभी लोग जो जिज्ञासु है अशाए जुड़ी है और बहुत कुछ नया जानने को मिलेगा
🙏🙏🙏 https://twitter.com/airnewsalerts/status/1243408468075114501?s=20

Don't Call Corona A #Chinese_Virus because it has

(1) Anhilation the Whole World
(2) Life of human under sever threat
(3) Economy of the world has gone negative
(4) Doctors lives is not less than war with ISIS
(5) World under House arrest
Don't call COVID 19 a #ChineseVirus because it has

(1) Infected 5,65,009 People till now
(2) Killed 25,410
(3) Starved Million of people for days
(4) let people run for lives
(5) Let #Doctors Die which wasn't ever happened in human History

But Don't called it #Chinese_Virus
Don't Call #Chinesevirus a #Chinesevirus bcz

(1) Human has no value before China
(2) China eat everything move or have life
(3) China has drowned the economy of the world and threatened the lived for upcomming years to come
(4) China has saved herself very efficiently, Really?
Call Chinese #Xijinping a #Monster_Virus and The all Chinese Media @PDChina @XHNews @Echinanews @Chinamission2un @ReutersChina all are fake journalists

along with @nytimes @washingtonpost @BBCWorld are just haters of humanity

@ndtv @ThePrintIndia @BBCHindi sm Indian fake journo

We are in the phase of the worst Human Crisis due to BioWeapon used by China to distroye the whole world by #Chinesevirus.

Likely to be World War - III has begun

Opposition is really Immature and have the sinister plans at this time too.
Their Media is really bad habit to do journalism for the people of India.

It is really a proud moment to watch Ramayana at the time of crisis.
Many are criticising with their Interest but this program will fill the ideals of our ancient people and something more productive thing will emerge.
I don't hve seen this Ramayana but i am remembering the day when we sit on our Hall in the night to watch Sri Krishna & Chandrakanta and missing my Dadi cleaning her specs...

Oh Gosh, if she would be here then it would be historical moment for my life.

Many have tear
of Old Memories...

People's fondness, Love, Respect, Enthusiasm, Irrespective of Religion Class Society towards the Ramayana (Got to know from many) was unprecedented ... Hardly any Program will ever achieve in the history of Mankind.

Amidst of all this...

Stay at Home!!
902 Cases..… Our Corona Cases are increases but Daily it is fluctuating b/w 60-130

but yesterday we have crossed 160 cases.

Specially in Kerala, Maharashtra, Telangana & Rajasthan are worst affected...

People who are on road to home can be understood but people gathering for Religious purpose is insane and it is across India.

Kya Lagta hai Upar Wala kya karega??

@INCIndia @RahulGandhi @priyankagandhi
@ShashiTharoor @KapilSibal @SachinPilot

We never ever seen such high level marijuana Wisdom in your PR team.
BC is full on. You agains prove that you are low life Personalities still believe in Propaganda....

ये होती है पिलाई और बहुत ही सही तरीके से बांटा है

देश बचाना है और दुनिया बचाना है

नकली भगवान बनती है जाहिल औरत
We are in Between War.


Kindly come up with settling people in the immediate effect.

R u listening to us....
Recent Situation at Delhi - UP border is not less than Humanitarian crisis.

When Delhi Government has order of lockdown till 31st March 2020 then how can people reached to the border in bus in such a huge no.

Who should be coordinated in such dying condition ??
Border is the their (migrants) Home where @ArvindKejriwal government is dropping.

No SOP has been followed for such a huge crowd at this time.

Where was the Ghaziabad Police and Delhi Police?


Dear Sir, Tickets are sold in Back
To reach Border
To reach Home town

One of friend's Friend has given Rs. 2,000 to reach Varanasi.....

All are not migrants workers but students, Job going Professionals are also there.

Animals..... 😠
Chinese Virus

Something sinner has been done by @ArvindKejriwal

I am praying that everything would be okay....

Here are something has been highlighted can't be accepted as normal but a full on conspiracy....

China Wanted to become #Global_Engine but now a Global Serial Killer and worst Terror state in human history.

Twitter has banned because he exposed China

These information will blow you mind...

He has been banned in twitter ...can you imagine how the world is moving

China Lied People Died
Every information is true which is unverified by Chinese Authorities related to Chinese Virus aka COVID 19.

My Friend's buyer in China has told that a quarantine centre hs bn blasted full of COVID patient with assurance f treatment

City-wise helplines for senior citizens.
Today's Shocking Information

and a list of Worst Affected Nations including China bcz they have no HUMAN RIGHTS for their Citizens
India's curve too is not flattening, it is increasing slowly but can burst anytime....
Lockdown is saving India but recent Delhi UP gathering will give hit on this.

Mumbai - 67
Pune - 28
Sangli - 24

It can be one epicentre

Kasaragod - 83 Worst than Mumbai
Kanoor - 26
Ernakulam - 19
Apart from the above two,

If this lockdown goes well, then we are damn sure that we may contain this virus within 10,000 infections and if not then we may reach to 30,000-40,000 because these 7 days has worked well in checking the spread
In worst condition, We have to ask to the world to destroy China forever.

#ChineseVirus19 virus is getting negative publicity

Another Blow that hit on Communists and Anti-India Agents

BC karenge Zindagi Bhar...

Meanwhile Separatist are on their way, @HMOIndia I think there is need to complete sanitation of these kind of personalities too because the burden of filth is now over flowing.

Remember these elites to ignite fire for nothing and they are best in saving their ass.

They make people vulnerable for their agenda and after riots it is nice moment for them to relax.



Lock_Down was the only Option and those who doesn't have done are failing now and facing unprecedented situation.
Italy has given up and USA in the row to contain it but seems failed to miserably.

We would have died like Bhopal Gas if
You would have been in power because

(1) Lock Down back fires due to 1975-77 Emergency
(2) Zero Leadership
(3) Not able to take bold decision
(4) Execution is always poor and mismanaged always
(5) Separatist get activated in Kashmir bcz 370 wouldn't have gone.

@ShashiTharoor @INCDelhi @INCIndia

I am not seeing a single members of yours helping people on roads but yes ranting on social media due to Chinese_Virus allegiance.

We will not let this down any way.

Be in your plan. These idiots have no plan.
Everybody is
saying that Congress would have killed people and you understood why.

Let these Congress aka #Chinese_Virus_Bro rant as much as it can.



Thanks for showing this

I have no words now.... I think government should find volunteers with fitness test to help people and let them manage the law and order because tough time hasn't come.

@ShashiTharoor here is the answer for you....
Don't be insane.... Idiot Bevkoofiyat me jeena band kar do
Everything for Citizen of India not for you only or me only.

Nanotechnology + BioTerrorism

Oh God, What are we doing with ourselves....

@UnSubtleDesi @OpIndia_in It must be published.

@WindsOfChange72 thanks for all this
Coronavirus Cases:
view by country

America is in the top
142,004+18,426on 29th March 2020
While #IndiaFightsCorona is at it's best nowdays.

It has really hit them hard....

We may have not planned as per you but its time for you or your party office to be in Quarantine Mode.
Deceased due to #Chinese_Virus

First Death Due to #ChineseVirus19 in India
#P74 Age 76 came from Saudi Arabia

#P137 is a Doctor who was treating
#P296 was House Made
Her Daughter also got affected #P116.

No Chain but Virus is still there and many may have got infected of this
A Happy News that
#P6 at the age of 69 got recovered and people except 3 who got infected are also recovered event travel from #ITALY

In this group all are 55 Years Old.

They have treated in an Isolation Ward,

@theskindoctor13 can you share to the ppl in panic management.
Adv Manoj has questioned like that trust in the name of any Private Organisation and he can use RTI which is still open.

But Funniest one @Ram_Guha who is objecting the name of PM CARES.

And why the self-aggrandizing name, PM-CARES?

Seriously, it should be named after
Jawahar Indira Sonia Gandhi Vadra

Still pet of them & getting pedigree --Extra??

hehe Meri Sarkar achchi iski sarkar buri

Abe Agar tum Kal Fanse hote to Delh UP Border me to pta chalta
vaise ye 3 wheeler ko Bus bolte ho kya ki sare Rajasthani 3 wheeler ko bus bolte hain?
A rogue Jihadi Fasadi state will always be Jihadi Fasadi state


Another Claim
Drugs those are used to treat #Chinese_Virus

Covid-19 patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak. All symptoms of shortness of breath resolved within 4-6 hr

This is true....
Communists can just disrupt only.

Mahindra ki #Foonkani Corona ke samay kaam aayegi.

Thanks to Mahindra for these efforts.
Major flux of the Chinese_Virus cases can be seen.

#ALARM +ing

Why we have burden of this Murderer at WHO.
Shame on @UNPOL @UN
We lost the last trust in you.

The #Chinese_Virus_Puppet @DrTedros swine

This is really inhuman and illogical to do like this.

I really feel bad bcz once i thought not used but has been used on Human which will make their life miserable.
@myogiadityanath should issue an order to the officials to identified and put them into
Hospitals and treat them... At this time kindly give clear directives to the officials to no use such chemicals.

I really Feel bad....
UP reaches to 4th Position


Night would not be less than nightmare

चिचा @Javedakhtarjadu फूफी @_sabanaqvi

ये बद्दुआ नहीं है दिल से लेकिन गुस्सा है

असलियत या मजबूरी में अंतर पता चलेगा
फतवा या सरकारी निर्देश से चलना पता चलेगा

जावेद जी कभी नास्तिक ना कहना अपने आपको और संविधान की दुहाई सिर्फ अपने तक क्युकी नहीं जानते
No of cases has increased by 200+ in single day from the first case.
Recovery Rate has increased but Rate of cases are manifold.

We may Face bad times.
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