alpha/alpha 2seok | scenting | touch starved! | (metaphorically) internalized homophobia ???

Hoseok was an alpha. Sometimes the designation weighed on him, in a way it didn’t with any other alpha he knew.
Not Jungkook who grew into his designation until it was like a second skin. Not Namjoon, who seemed to barely notice it. And certainly not Seokjin with his comfortable sense of authority, his calm and his control.
Sometimes--not often, just sometimes--Hoseok got tired. He felt it in his body, the weight in his limbs, an ache in his muscles that he didn’t quite earn at practice. He couldn’t get a deep breath in, couldn’t exhale the weight.
It was--it wasn’t natural, but the only place he could take that breath was underneath Seokjin.
What they did was unnatural. Hoseok knew that deep down, however easy it was to forget when Seokjin moved so naturally into Hoseok’s space and when he felt so right-- Hoseok couldn’t call Seokjin unnatural. The problem was with him, that he wanted another alpha like that.
He didn’t say no whenever Seokjin offered because Hoseok was selfish and, sometimes, he was tired.

Seokjin pressed his wrists down to the sheets on either side of his head and nuzzled Hoseok’s jawline. “Tilt your head up for me.”
Hoseok turned his head, baring the scent gland at the base of his neck. His heart pounded against his ribcage. Seokjin kissed his cheek, dipped to kiss his neck, then pulled back up and kissed his mouth. The tease made Hoseok gasp. Already ruined, his body already begging for it.
He couldn’t lie to himself and he couldn’t lie to Seokjin. He wanted this, he wanted this. He needed it almost every night, Jimin spending his nights in Yoongi’s room this week doing whatever it was omegas did together, while Seokjin held Hoseok down, scented him, and kissed him.
A reedy whine escaped Hoseok’s chest. He tilted his head up again. Seokjin’s lips parted from his with a wet sound. He smelled like sweet smoke, cutting across Hoseok’s lighter citrus scent. He pressed his face into Hoseok’s neck and took a deep audible breath.
His lips brushed Hoseok’s scent gland first, an almost accidental touch, but Hoseok knew what was going to happen and it was enough to turn his scent sour in anticipation.
An alpha scenting an alpha was a show of power, a decisive way to end a fight, to establish who was in charge. It wasn’t pleasant, or it wasn’t supposed to be. It wasn’t natural to want to be the alpha who was forced to submit.
Hoseok whined and the air between them turned rancid with the smell of rotting fruit.

“Shh,” Seokjin said, adjusting his grip on Hoseok’s wrists. “You’re okay.” His lips parted and he licked a stripe over Hoseok’s neck.
A growl started low in Hoseok’s chest, involuntary and uncomfortable. He didn’t want to growl or try to warn Seokjin away, but his body was an alpha’s body and it was only the natural response. Seokjin kissed his neck and sucked the skin of his scent gland into his mouth.
Hoseok bucked on instinct, his fear scent now overpowering. His growl broke off in his throat and started again. That’s when Seokjin growled back, a deeper and much more controlled sound, vibrating Hoseok’s chest and his skin where Seokjin’s mouth touched it.
“Ah, ah,” Hoseok said aimlessly, struggling under Seokjin’s iron grip. Seokjin’s teeth grazed skin and Hoseok kicked out, hitting nothing.

“Good boy,” Seokjin said soothingly, “Good boy, relax, be good for me. Do you wanna feel good?”
Hoseok sobbed. He did but the feeling of Seokjin’s canines denting his flesh worked him up into another growl, another useless half-cocked attempt to get free, another wash of rotten scent. The top of his head banged Seokjin’s chin and sent the alpha reeling back.
They both froze for a second and then Seokjin snarled and bit viciously at his neck above his scent gland. If they were really fighting Seokjin would set his teeth wide and threaten to tear Hoseok’s skin. Hoseok froze immediately. Seokjin sucked and bit deep into Hoseok’s skin.
“Let me,” Seokjin rumbled, a command. “Come on, baby, let me.”

“I want to,” Hoseok choked out. He needed Seokjin to know how badly he wanted to settle and let Seokjin pin him down and scent him and touch him.
“I know,” Seokjin said. “I know you do.” His voice was so warm and his hands so big when they wandered down to Hoseok’s waist and rucked up his shirt. Seokjin touched the skin he had just bared, caressing Hoseok’s stomach and hips with broad, sure strokes.
Hoseok trembled. His every instinct said to stay frozen until the threat of a bigger, stronger alpha was gone, but he wanted to relax into Seokjin’s hands. He wanted it so bad he felt like he could break in half.
He took a deep breath, then another. Seokjin, patient with him as always, slid both hands up the center of his chest and let them rest under his shirt. He pushed his nose against Hoseok’s neck and breathed there. Waiting for Hoseok to catch up to him.
Hoseok didn’t deserve him. He shouldn’t be taking so much from someone so--beautiful, his mind supplied. He cringed away from that thought.
Seokjin slowly shook his head back and forth, dragging his lips across Hoseok’s skin. His smoke-scent rose up, calm and comforting. “Do you need me to scruff you?”
Sometimes Hoseok needed that, badly. He took a careful breath. “I don’t-- Just keep doing that, I think--”

“Okay,” he said like it was easy.
“I wish--” Hoseok swallowed. “I wish I could--”

“Shh,” Seokjin said, a laugh in his voice. “Don’t think about it so hard.”
An answering laugh bubbled up in Hoseok’s chest, a little more frenzied. Usually he was the one telling other people not to think so hard, Yoongi or Namjoon or-- He really was surrounded by those types.
It wasn’t that he was thinking too hard, it’s that his body wouldn’t listen to him. It wanted things it shouldn’t want, and when Seokjin offered those things with no strings attached, it locked up and growled instead of taking them.
“See? There you go.” Seokjin ran a hand up Hoseok’s side and down his arm. “You wanna touch me?”

Hoseok looked down but then all he could see was Seokjin’s knees between his spread legs on the mattress. He could feel his face going beet red. He nodded.
Seokjin took Hoseok’s hand and placed it on his shoulder. Then he braced his elbow on the bed and held himself up that way, inches from Hoseok’s face.

His muscles shifted subtly underneath his skin. Hoseok’s hand burned.
He knew how to touch someone. He wasn’t a virgin-- But that was the problem. He knew how to touch an omega; he knew how an omega touched an alpha. He didn’t know how to touch an alpha. What was okay? What would make Seokjin realize that Hoseok wasn’t here innocently?
His fingers traced lightly along Seokjin’s shoulder and brushed close to a scent gland on his neck, releasing a pleasant light trace of Seokjin’s scent.

“You smell good,” Hoseok said without thinking.

Before he could tense up, Seokjin smiled. “So do you.”
Hoseok drew his hand back to hit him and tell him to stop lying, but then he realized that Seokjin was right. The rotten fruit scent of fear was gone, leaving the smell of lightly burned sugar and citrus. His hand landed gently on the back of Seokjin’s shoulder again.
Hoseok just wanted Seokjin’s scent back. He wanted to smell like sweet, heady smoke, so fucking bad. “Scent me, hyung?”
[this is all for tonight! goodnight]
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