Reminder: Labor lost to Capital (in the USA) many many years ago... don't fool yourself if you think this country is about labor. It's about the interests of capital.
This NOT opinion; it's fact. Opinion is whether you think it SHOULD be this way. but let's pretend this is not how it IS.
the "republican"/"democrat", "liberal"/"conservative" ... that's all a smoke screen; it's meaningless cover for the fact capital has been raping labor for many decades. Labor has not had actual say in US policy for a very long time.
"So why has there not been pitchforks? revolution? "

Good question. Don't have the answer, but I suspect one reason: american standard of living - people aren't starving - is not so bad. People have space. It's when people starve, lose jobs, etc.. that's historical trigger.
Get back in line, serfs!
Your life doesn’t matter, only my $$$ matters:
Hey, the politicians agree: capital matters, labor doesn’t matter
And so historians will look back someday and write: Christianity was not the religion of the USA; rather, it was the worship of money and greed.
Capital remains so unafraid of labor in the USA, it consistently flaunts itself, even placing large “kick me” signs on their backs, as they fear no consequences:
The USA’s abuse of labour, while championing the interests of capital: the tiger edition
Labor vs Capital: the Ivy League edition. Why do some of these asset rich universities with 10-50 billion endowments need any bailouts ?
Labor vs Capital: how do the politicians historically react, when labor is angry? It’s always the same recipe. They either (A) Blame some foreign country, divert attention away from domestic dysfunction, or (B) blame domestic minorities.

Recent example
Labor vs Capital: the politicians are always the same, regardless of nationality, race, creed, ideology, religion, etc. there is no communist, capitalism, democracy, or whatever. It is always the same game plan for them. Don’t take responsibility, blame blame blame.
The blame game:
The blame game knows no race, nationality, creed, and even time. The politicians are the SAME, blame blame blame:
Labour vs capital: the economist’s edition . Capital is benefiting over everyone else? Surprised? I say a feature not bug of the US system:
Labour vs capital: Can labour strike back? low N does not make for a trend, but something to watch for sure:
labor vs capital: the structural imbalances have been long forming for 30-40 years (see mean/median CEO comp vs mean/median employee comp). What is the needle that breaks the camel's back? A pandemic? A needle can break a camel's back only when the back is weak...
Labour vs capital: societal anger can be directed in many different directions. No path is inevitable nor exclusive. War? Minority scapegoating/imprisonment (japanese american concentration camps during WWII)? Domestic strikes/protests/riots? All the above? None of the above?
Labour vs capital: Buffett has been a long time observer. He just uses different jargon (Buffett = the diplomat, Munger = blunt). Imbalances can persist, even worsen, so long as labour isn't starving or has livelihood
Labor vs capital: biggest coordinated rent strike in nearly 100 years ?! Is that correct ??
Labor vs Capital: when labor strikes back, it’s considered protest/freedom/social justice/Les Miserables if it’s happening in foreign lands.

it’s considered lawlessness/rioting/crime if it’s happening in your own backyard...
Labor vs Capital: when the politicians get involved, watch out. No one knows exactly how this plays out
Labor vs Capital: labor often works against its own interests. Case in point see the responses to the politician’s tweets. 99% of those responding to her are labor class not capital. Funny how Capital doesn’t need to fight back, when labor does the work for them.
Labor vs Capital: a global perspective by Pettis, whereby the imbalances are not just labor vs Capital, but big vs small, and more
Labor vs Capital: the oldest trick in the book, the blame game. And it goes both ways
Labor vs Capital: it gets to a point where it doesn’t matter who or what is at fault, or why we are here. You risk getting the worst people representing the interests of labor -
Labor vs Capital: the weather edition

The consensus belief seems to be that warm weather will bring some form of sentiment respite. Maybe...consider the following counterpoint:

Civil unrest/protests/riots/movements have historically flourished with pleasant weather.
Labor vs Capital: the Hong Kong tycoon edition - basically proves the protestors should have gone after the Capital class (the young HK protestors thought the tycoons like below were on their side), and that this struggle was never merely about freedom of assembly:
Labor vs Capital: “Most of the conflicts in the world today are between social classes rather than between countries”

probably and mostly true; but it’s been a one sided conflict for the last 40 years. Remains to be seen whether + how labor fights back
Labor vs Capital: Hong Kong’s inequality is a distorted version of the USA’s, and serves as a warning when CAPITAL-ism (the worship of wealth hording, rent seekers) triumphs over capitalism (free enterprise, competition based system)
Labor vs Capital - you think I’m exaggerating? Straight from the White House’s mouth. A mic drop moment:
Labor vs Capital : the Cornel West edition... ignore the headlines and sound bites of what West says. Listen to his entire message. May not be what you expect.
Labor vs Capital: equal opportunity death and destruction?
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