Lockdown Day 1: I need to stock a week's worth of chocolate, fizzy drinks and salty snacks at a time, if I'm going to stop visiting the corner shop every day. But that's how I ration all that stuff for myself, so I don't eat/drink too much crap. Self control test, incoming...
Lockdown Day 2: fruit juice! The (relatively) healthier option to fizzy drinks. And more milk! Not for white russians (because I forgot the absolut), but for cereal! And also to wash down the steak, of course. Trying to cut down on salt entirely, but I doubt I can quit chocolate.
Lockdown Day 3: I thought more free time meant I could make more videos, try streaming, or maybe start writing again. Instead, I've just been spending more time procrastinating... and I can't seem to go more than three days without a fizzy drink. (Chocolate was already a given.)
Lockdown Day 4: they've started making people queue outside the supermarket, but it was gone when I went back at dinnertime. Less on the shelves than the morning, I suspect; I can accept the tradeoff, but they only had the smallest bottles of absolut left...
Lockdown day 6: missed a day because my sleeping schedule has gone off the rails. It was never exactly normal, but it was regular until my metabolism slowed down, then it got... unpredictable. Now, though, the only schedule I have to keep is the release of youtube videos. So.
Lockdown day 7: woke up at 11pm. Decided to have dinner for breakfast. Planning to lament the missed opportunity to get cheesy snacks as well as salty snacks, later.
Lockdown day 8: I guess I'll sleep the other four hours, later?
Lockdown day 9: must get out of bed. Must edit video.

...I guess I'm waiting until I have to pee AND eat.
Lockdown day 10, technically: my internet went down at 1am, and is predicted to return at 8am. I suspect my provider is upgrading something to handle the increased usage... which isn't helping my nocturnal ass at the moment!
Lockdown day 11: I'd rather dress like The Shadow than wear a mask, but I doubt the hat shop is open, these days.
Lockdown day 13, apparently: what is time? What are days, other than The Bright Time? Missed another day, didn't miss anything special. I'm having difficulty NOT popping down the corner shop. Hard to break a habit of two decades, I suppose.
Lockdown day 14: I haven't had a car for over two decades. I walk to the supermarket with my backpack, and limit my purchases to what can fit in said backpack. I'm going to break that rule in order to quit the corner shop, starting today.

My luggage backpack is bigger, though...
Lockdown day 15: got almost everything from the supermarket, including a sixpack of root beer that wasn't leaking (for a change), but didn't have room for pepsi max or salty/cheesy snacks. Also, the corner shop had a bigger bottle of absolut, so that was worth one more visit.
Lockdown day 16: currently sleeping from 6pm to 2am, but I'm finally having my meals in the correct order again. That said, I seem to be making up for my lack of salty snacks by eating more chocolate. This can't be healthy. Variety in diet, right?
Lockdown day 17: went to the corner shop for a tuna & cucumber sandwich, Again, worth it. The locals seem to be taking care, though; it's like cats, taking turns patrolling the neighbourhood.
Lockdown day 18: there was a full moon and I didn't even notice. I usually dream hardest under full moons. Last month I was violent enough to strain muscles in my left shoulder and side. I don't even remember dreaming this time. It's surprisingly unsettling.
Lockdown day 19: seeing an increasing number of haircut-related tweets, today. I've been shaving my head to match my beard for the last seven or eight years, so it's not an issue until I stop giving a damn about whoever I want to kiss feels about it.
Lockdown day 20: oh, right, easter. This weekend. I hope the supermarket's open tomorrow, otherwise the timing of my last visit will be rather unfortunate... no, no, I shouldn't complain. I still have food, it's just mostly frozen, and mostly the same. No big. No big at all...
Lockdown day 21: got three things done today, which is atypical for Mondays. Subconscious desire to celebrate three weeks of this, perhaps? But officially it's been a month. Guess the first week was a warm-up to me.
Lockdown day 22:
Lockdown day 23: inability to survive without chocolate, confirmed. The salty snacks are debatable, but I've successfully been rationing the fizzy drinks; variety helps. But chocolate... well, this video should explain:
Lockdown day 25: it's after midnight, so it's technically accurate; I just haven't gone to bed yet. Waiting for today's SE vid to render so I can start uploading as soon as its done. Contemplating the possibility that my brain is atrophying. Also contemplating a 2am shower.
Lockdown day 26: okay, maybe my brain isn't turning to metaphorical mush, but my concentration has definitely deteriorated. A proper meal, about eight hours of sleep all in one go, a hot shower that lasted more than five minutes, and... I dunno if I'm better, but I'm happier.
Therapeutic game violence by decade:

20s - dismembering terrified nazis in Bloodrayne.
30s - beating up criminals in Arkham Asylum & City.
40s - bending the elements as avatar Korra. My lack of concentration doesn't help me get the platinum medals on extreme difficulty, though.
Lockdown day 28: two episodes of Rome: Total War this week, a third already filmed, and it's only Monday. Up next, the first episode of Space Engineers that's actually in space!

I'm feeling productive.

...I'm trying not to feel suspicious. Since when to Mondays go so well?
Lockdown day 29: not only did I replenish my chocolate, pepsi max and salty snack supplies, I also nabbed the last 1L bottle of absolut. It's another good... daaay.....

*paranoia increases*
Lockdown day 30: every month in Stellaris is 30 days long, so why wait for 31. How should I celebrate? Other than eating a whole box of cool mint matchmakers, because I've already done that. White russian with dinner is a given... steak dinner? It's not such a big deal, anymore.
Lockdown day 32: I can't remember the last time I was that hungover. Wish I knew why my right bicep is so grumpy. Ah, well, at least I'm usually more sensible, these days...

*drinks last can of root beer at 3am*

...a responsible middle-aged man, am I.
Lockdown day 34: sleep schedule has gone nuts again, but this time it has interfered with my daily dose of blood thinner. I'll probably be taking it longer than this quarantine.

On the upside, I have plenty of chocolate, and I'm pulling ahead of my three-vids-a-week schedule.
Lockdown day 35: twitter added a gender thing. It assumed I was female. I am inclined to take this as a compliment, but I think most people would take issue that twitter is guessing at such things instead of letting you set it yourself.
Lockdown day 36: sweet peppers were back in stock, but I forgot iceberg lettuce for the chicken salad, which is what I use the peppers for. I did get celery sticks, but I forgot peanut butter. So I guess I'm making chicken salad with chopped celery, this week. #NoConcentration
Lockdown day 37: spent a little time editing, a lot of time reading Adora/Catra fanfic. Aren't we supposed to be getting the final season trailer for She-Ra, today? I probably won't be seeing it until tomorrow, stupid timezones...
Lockdown day 38: okay, let's see if I can work out how many episodes to watch each day before the final season drops...
Lockdown day 40: aside from the latest Space Engineers survival vid, nothing whatsoever of interest happened yesterday. The next Rome: Total War one is ready, the one after awaits rendering, and I've already finished filming the next SE one. I think. Maybe, possibly, perhaps.
Lockdown day 41: Pepsi Max, root beer and Sprite are my fizzy poisons of choice (Dr. Pepper if there's no root beer). The fake sugar of PM is probably the worst for me, so I only get a (small) bottle from the corner shop. The risk has helped me cut down. So, progress, I guess.
Lockdown day 42: Walked to my local clinic to set up an appointment for a perscription refill, stayed off the main road as much as possible, only to find the graveyard was closed, but only from my side. Finally got there, discovered I'm supposed to phone in first.

Lockdown day 43: it's the 5th for ten more minutes. I'm sleeping whenever I feel tired, which means I slept for a few hours three times today. I think. Kinda hard to tell on this schedule, frankly. And the dreams are already... well, looking forward to the supermoon on Thursday!
Lockdown day 44: oh, Adele lost weight? Good for her. *moves on to something that's actually my business*
Lockdown day 46: the last supermoon of the year, messing with my sleeping schedule again. Though I was also distracted with finishing the throwback research in Pokemon Go to finally get a Mewtwo. Only ever got one EX raid invite, so casual player; and these days, well...
Lockdown day 47: fresh batch of blood-thinning pills acquired. Vampires don't do so well during plagues, due to the contaminated food supply. I'm in greater danger since I'm (supposedly) uninfected, but if anyone nibbles me, they'll get less nourishment than they thought!
Lockdown day 49: yeah, it's getting harder to say something each day. And the fact that this thread has gone so long that twitter won't show it all at once doesn't help. But hey, wearing a scarf to the supermarket now, so. Yay.
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