Like my tweet and I'll say something about you.
So I decided to do this because of SOMEONE.
@alonelystarr I like your taste in music, but sometimes your music opinions are WAAACKKKKKK and I love bullying you ❤
@JohnHiIIy You already know how much I admire you.
@MagisterialLio You're a great friend, I LOVEEE talking to you and interacting on the TL with you.
@nadia_gfx Don't have much to say, but you're a nice person and your edits are sickkkkkk

On a serious note tho, you're one of the few Liverpool fans I like and you're lowkey funny.
@Bat_Cule who are you, sir? (Hdifhs be more active, I miss bullying you 😔)
@Nafay_n I miss VintageDembele even though you're a SNAKEEEE
@ldkmaybee you give me 'damsel in distress' vibes 😭😭😭 and I don't say this, but I really appreciate you.
@TheNandaddy Don't really know what to say since we don't interact :/
@PrayForMelly I DESPISE you. One of the worst people I've ever come across. I want to roundhouse kick you. I want to sl1t your wrists and throats 😋
@Its_Ney299 I like your sense of humour, not going to lie.
@Torreira17x you're racist bro 😔
@fuckracism28 shut the fkc up midget
@BarcaLionel_FC I hope Bojan doesn't reply to you and you're obsessed with me 😗
@sathish_cule I HATE the fact that you slander MAtS but you still got a reply from him. And i HATE you as well. I HATE this game as well. 😔
@LauraFurler aaahhhh one of my favourite people on this platform and I really like talking to you. You're a very nice person and you only deserve good things in your life.
@_YerryMinha I don't like you because you once made a GIF related to Carine and me, but we should interact more. Screw you.
@FCBKUVHAL One of the nicest people I've come across. You're a wonderful guy.
@brewfcb what do you want me to say, huh? You're a loser who needs to take a shower and fix up.
@Anas__ak You were a Valverde apologist. I've said enough.

(besides that, you're a nice guy. I like interacting with you sjdjsjf)
@DenizaFoki You're usually liking or retweeting ny tweets and you rep Stegen so you're elite 🤝
@Riquista aaaaaa one of my favourite mutuals. I love interacting with you even though you're a braindead dotard. Time to join Stegen FC buddy.
@swastik_rath don't know what to say about you, since we haven't really talked, but you look like a decent guy.
@VintageIm10 I like your opinions and you're one or my oldest mutuals damnnnn
@thefakefatshady You have decent opinions, not going to lie. But you're racist and sexist, so I don't like you. You're also a troll. Oh, I forgot, you're also an idiot. But I still love you rjfhsiifjd fkc u doe
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