I understand people being upset about the idea of everyone going back to work before the coronavirus crisis has passed. I get the fear it'll make things worse. However...

I'm technically a "Senior Citizen," and so at a higher risk than many. 1/
I'm also an RN who has to go to work unless and until I cat the virus myself. Honestly, it's a bit weird and scary to know I'm old enough to be considered higher risk. That being said, though, I welcome the opportunity for life to get back (mostly) to 2/
whatever our new normal is going to be.

Most of those at risk are capable of following precautions to avoid exposure. Society has to allow for those who need to self-quarantine to do so, while allowing low-risk folks to go back to work. We can't burrow into our 3/
blankets forever.

Reality is any one of us could be hit by a bus, have an asteroid (or space station toilet seat) fall on us, or have any other low-but-not-zero-probability incident do us in at any time. We can't live like this. People are social, and tbh 4/
we won't even do a very good job of simply existing like this. Most of us aren't built that way.

It'll still be tough for those who need to isolate, and those who don't still need to take every precaution possible to keep themselves and those around them safe. 5/
Planning for that isn't evil or uncaring, it's prudent. So let's get on with it, start thinking about what you personally can do to get us back to "normal," and help each other out until we do.


Stay well, stay safe, and don't let the negativity flingers get you down. ❀
PS: Everyone who gets the space station toilet seat reference: I love you more. 😂
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