woozi is Impossible to conceive: buff as fuck but also 5'5" meaning he's physically dense as hell but he hates moving, sleeps for 20 hours a day, an introvert to the point of concern yet he cannot resist a solid dad joke, contains the yearning of at least 4 gay greek poets
he's got a thinner voice which seems to sit at the front of his throat but he's still able to blast three octaves up effortlessly, can retain excellent clarinet abilities despite not having played a clarinet for at least 8 years, let's not get started on his other musical talents
when he hears something funny his first reaction is to repeat the joke several times before building further on it, his non svt friend group are a bunch of music people who look at LEAST 7 years older than him, he makes other people buy clothes for him??????
when seen in any content involving anyone other than pledis staff or svt he becomes tight lipped and subdued but amongst svt he's like a fucking wild child that feeds off of hoshi and wonwoo specifically, when he laughs it's almost always soundless and him just :D and clapping
when he's in a situation with overlapping stimulation he stares blankly into space and completely freezes up like he's being rebooted, his desire for physical contact is either -1000 or +1000 with no in betweens, he can flawlessly understand hoshi which is a talent
wait shit uh follow me stream fallin flower stan nflying
also while you're here sign the petition demanding the persecution of the nth room organizer and all those who took part in this disgusting thing https://twitter.com/kyunfia/status/1242540785343451136
ok im muting this stream fallin flower !!!!
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