I hope my nicotine patches arrive tomorrow so I can put down the vape without any acts of violence.

Cough is bothering me now been too long but I'm sure it's the vape so vape goes and exercise increases.
Nicotine patches are here. Immediately cut one in half and am wearing half a patch. Not vaped all day and got a nice headrush off the patch already. (I go fr the 7mg weak ones they do me fine)

I have 3 packs so if cutting them in half, that will give me 42 days of nicotine.
Just went for a run with my brother in law. About 2 miles. Not too bad for a lazy smoker. I barely coughed so I'm hoping its safe to say my cough is vape related rather than the more sinister option.
Had one toke on my vape today that was it.
Half a patch for day 2 and I'ma call it second day no smoking even with that one single vape toke.
I also went for another run and ran probably 30% more.
Did shit loads of gardening too.

Finna be a productive apocalypse.
Might not run today, aching from the gardening and running so might do some weights in the garden later. It's also my brother in laws birthday so will mostly chill out I think.
Managing to run farther each time now. Made it close to 3 miles on my last run.

Did an arm workout and went a bit to hard after not doing it for so long and my left arm is cramped up and can't straighten it atm LOL.

Will be better in a couple days then will get on chest.
Ran four miles today and finiahed up with wine and a fireside chat with my mother
Turning this thread into my apocalypse diary btw so if you're interested whatsoever in my day to day activities this is where it's at.
Built this today from wood scraps.

Top: Lettuce and herb garden.
Bottom: Wood store.
Been working in the garden and running increasingly further. Today is my farthest run thus far since starting running again.

Taking a slow and steady pace, a little walking too.
This thread makes me seem like an old man lmao. All gardening and jogging and shit but I assure you I'm just 27 years old 😂
Slightly faster pace but negligibly so.

Did 50 leg raises and 25 pike pushups after the run also.
Also still using patches. No ciggarettes but have vaped a little each day but no nicotine in vape, purely for placebo effect.
Happy Easter!
Here's the present I received.
Mow cat (she drops the e in meow) found herself a crown.
Cooked ramen and getting drunk tonight
I've just been asked by my sister for a picture of my 'dick' and I couldn't be more disturbed lmfao
Ran the British military standard this morning. (1.2 miles with a 0.5 miles warmup) and made it just shy of the minimum time by 15 seconds. Will do this weekly until I destroy the target time.

Felt rough after, hot weather, no fod or water before running. Relaxing now.
Ran 6.6km in 48 minutes today. Best time by about 5 minutes.

I ran probably 6k of the 6.6k total so a big big improvement on previous runs.
Also found my fitbit which was missing for like 2 years so set that up and wearing it. Tidied my room, enjoyed my btc longs.
Turns out my resting heart rate is now 53bpm. That's fucking decent considering three years ago I had high blood pressure and a racing pulse. Running fam, it's the shizznit.
Great sleep this week tbh.

@ObiObvi sounds about right doesn't it 😂
No real diary update today. I did next to fuck all, just watched youtube all day and went for a walk.
Ran 7km this morning. I wish I could show you my story on instagram lmfao. It was so funny, I got a nosebleed, got splashed real bad by a car but did the run and gave money to charity so tis a good day!
Just built this in the last hour. Bed already existed but had no soil in it so used logs, rough compost and good conpost on top then coconut coir as mulch but ran out of that.

Either for tomatoes or beans, probs tomatoes tbh.

No garden wire so used frog tape lmao.
Butternut squash, chillis, tomatoes and peppers going well.
Calamondin Oranges getting ready to go as well
Re-potting this lettuce today ready for planting out after the first harvest.
Lettuce done. Will thin out the weaker seedlings in a week or so.
These two planters have 4 pussy ass bitch tomatoes in, will update on their fight for survival
Ran 7k today in 43 minutes. 5k of it was 33 minutes and I never stopped once. Definitely improving and totally annihilated my best time :)

Hung out with my nephew and then this evening a few minutes ago watched the starlink satellites pass by.

Awesome day.
Made this bed and have planted a butternut swuash in there to test. will likely grow it vertocally on a trellis becahse there isn't a lot of sunlight down here. Need to cut back trees and hedges also.
The state of my spelling on mobile jheez thanks Jack
How did I stop the weeds? Laid cardboard along the whole bed first, then mulchy compost from my compost heap and THEN put the good compost on top. Won't stop every weed but I'll pull out anytjing that comes up.
Ran 3.5k just now and it was one of the most disappointing runs so far. I ran 5k in a personal best time three days or so back and I struggled so hard on this 3.5k and walked a fair bit because I was struggling so bad. I think I need to take some rest days, legs aching etc.
Found some black bird eggs
Adding coconut mulch to this bed today from bricks I need to soak in water to get mulch from. Cool af.

Planting runner bears at each pole and red onions in the middle probably two rows so maybe 8 onion plants.
Just planted two rows of beetroot and a row of leafy lettuce. Plantes two butternut squash to test if they are ready. If so will plant maybe one or two more.
I have planted:

Lettuce 3 varieties
Spring onion
Red onion
Runner beans
Bell Peppers
Calamondin oranges
Butternut squash
Parsely 2 varieties
Swiss chard

Might have forgotten a few herbs or whatever.
Fixed my hot tub, planted more herbs and the next set of lettuce plants is sprouting amongst the previous set. Good shit.

Seeing stuff germinate now which is real nice. Satisfying work.
Woke up and weighed myself and I'm down 4lbs! Also dropped a % in body fat and a metabolic year.

Going for a short run in a bit after a late breakfast
Potato out of the ground!
Peppers looking strong, Kale sprouting, sage sprouting. Today seems a good day.
Trail running this morning
Did the 5k, lots of hills in those woods but I'm not gunning for time tbh. My best 5k so far is 33 minutes. Came home for scrambled eggs and was handed some weird blue wine.
Greenhouse is fire this morning. All my herbs are atarting to sprout.
Potatoes finally showing some life also. (next tweet)
Finally a sign of some potatoes. Can't wait for these to start growing up. Carrots and beetroot I need next.
Oops, here's the full video
Bit of budgie malarky this afternoon.
Is this little apocalypse diary providing you with any value?
Quiz night. Having to wear a stupid hat each time
Hanging out for a bit of breakfast in bed and paw patrol on the tele.
Tbh I've been living rather well through the apocalypse. I know others might not be so lucky so hopefully you can appreciate this thread for what it is, a diary. Rather than flaunting a lifestyle someone else may not have right now.
I also have no delusions of grandeur. I'm not rich and living in a mansion or some shit. I'm just having fun with my family and exercising alongside a few hobbies. It aint much but it's honest work
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