Do you want to use this down time to find out more about God? Because if are curious, there’s soooo much content out there and so much time to go through it. I’m going to do a thread on what you can watch/read for bible study, worship and prayer. Here:
Ok first bible study, if it’s been boring for you, try “bible projects” on YouTube. They break down books of the Bible into comic book strips(fun). They give you context! Start with the gospel books (Matt Mark Luke John) here
Next up is worship, worship isn’t a slow song, it’s the response to being aware of the presence of God. Sometimes lyrics of songs trigger worship, sometimes it’s a testimony, a memory, a revelation. I will share a song that always Gets me
Prayer has been battered. Jesus calls us His bride, prayer should feel like a date literally. You guys should be gisting. It might be easier to start with writing a letter to God, be open and honest. When you start having some comforting thoughts in response to what you are..
Writing, thats actually God speaking. Those thoughts you have that comfort you IN YOUR VOICE, is actually your Spirit. Just watch series on how to hear Gods voice.
If you’re curious about something else, anything at all just ask. 😬
You can follow @PoochAlfa.
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