Healthy life style as per Ayurved

So, we all are focused on immune system strength and ways not to get exposed to sickness. Good time to recap what we knew always thanks to our Rishies but idiotically most of us kept walking in opposite direction.

Deals with changes in aahar, vihar based on how seasons affect Vata, Pitta, Kapha balance

Hemant/Shishir: Grow more strong and exercise, avoid cold in shishir
Vasant: Eat light, kapha pacifying diet, no daytime sleep
Greeshma: Sweet, light, cooling food, less exercise
Deals with Vihar, Vichar for physical, social and metal health.

- Be truthful, independent, confident, modest
- Don't believe everything you see/hear, don't suspect everything either
- Don't let success/failures affect you emotionally
- Don't procrastinate, don't rush to things without giving proper thought.
- Admire good and learned, be nice to friends and all living beings, avoid bad people
- Do not reveal your failures and insults
- Cover mouth while coughing, sneezing, yawning..
- Dont keep any relationship with bad people, do not oppose good people.
- Eat after giving food to needy, dont eat at crowded place, dirty food or if served by unfriendly person.
- Make best use of time, don't envy others, don't reveal secrets
- Do not desire other's property
So far I haven't mentioned herbs. There is a reason for it. and its not that I consider them 'outside' of Ayurved but normally so much (undue) emphasis herbs get when one speaks of Ayurved, that as a reflex, I take a stance of ignoring them completely - at least initially.
वैसे भी कहा जाता है के पथ्य के बिना औषधि का कोई उपयोग नहीं और पथ्य हो तो औषधि का कोई उपयोग नही। तो मैने पथ्य से प्रारंभ किया।
and, while पथ्य comes before औषधि, Ayurved doesn't start with pathya either

Ayurved is knowledge about how to best maintain Sharir/Man in best of conditions for long time, for a purpose. that purpose is, to use these tools for our स्वार्थ - अभ्युदय तथा निःश्रेयस की प्राप्ति।
आयुर्वेद वो ज्ञान है जो हमें अभ्युदय तथा निःश्रेयस की प्राप्ति के साधनों को स्वस्थ रखने के लिये कैसे उनको समदोष समधातु तथा सत्व गुण प्रधान बनाये रखे यह मार्गदर्शन करता है। जिससे हम आध्यात्मिक अधिभौतिक तथा आधिदैविक विपत्तिओं से बचते हुए लक्ष्य प्राप्ति में आने वाली बाधाओं से बचें।
Coming to herbs.

Contrary to how I might have sounded, I absolutely highly regards herbs. my apparent disregard at the start of the thread had nothing to do with herbs. It was rather to an approach that turns blind eye towards recognising sharir and man as sadhan and accepting
one's responsibility towards keeping these tools in best shape by pathya aahar, aachar, vichar and directly jumps to herbs as solution for an ill defined problem.

Far from having disregard, I have such high regards for those excellent-sustainable, co-existence promoting
relationship established between herbs and us by our Rishis that I wont even like to categories them all as Aushadhis but argue they be included under pathya.
Cant imagine our kitchens without all those spices. I sometime wonder how western bodies manage without those personal body-guards? While they fall under pathya category when used in spice quantity, most of them can become full fledged Aushadhi too.
but even beyond them, we have few more herbs/formulations that can be great addition to daily routine.

Let me start with what I may put next only to sakshat dhanvantari.

A Rasayan, Tridosh balancing, Triphala is almost 50% of herbal part of Ayurved for me.
Triphala is something to be used as first resort as well as last resort. I see it as a gridlock breaker - when you have put yourself in a such mess that all remedies are now too harsh for you, Triphala can be trusted to lovingly ease the situation and slowly make space for more
direct action. and of course, if its the first and the last resort, it also exists everywhere in the middle too. I guess there would be hardly any formulation that goes without having triphala in it.
It helps get rid of ama, balances tri dosh, is anti ageing (Rasayana), protects against aagantuk vyadhies too. that's all you need right?

okay, but how do you say this in allopathic terms?

Triphala is,
- antibacterial
- antiviral
- antioxidant
- anticancer
- hepatoprotective
- immunomodulatory
- anti inflammatory
- GI protective
- antidiabetic
- improves HDL/LDL ratio
- Radioprotective
- good for eye (anti cateract, dry eyes)
- anti ageing
I think you get the point.

To know more, you can simply go to  and type triphala
When I was getting interested in Ayurved, in initial days had come across a (true) story. It was a blog or something. Story teller had heard of a Vaidya who would treat all aliments very effectively. Out of reverence and desire to learn, the story teller visits the Vaidya (who is
at some remote village). When he sees the Vaidya giving Aushadhi to one after the other patient, each with different problem, he is baffled. Everyone one got the same thing as Aushadhi - it was Ashwagandha (if I remember correctly.).
Learning Ayurved is far dream for me (Ayurved to chhodo, pre-requisite Sanskrit me bhi koi daal nahi gali abhi tak to), but I kind of have my Ashwagandha.

Its Haldi.
From infections to Cancers, skin problems to Alzheimer’s, arthritis to asthma, liver, kidney, high sugar level, we don't even realise on how many fronts Haldi fights to protect us.

Guess, it would be stupid of me say things every one of us knows anyway. So let me move to next..
I was introduced to the benefits of next two single herbs I want to talk about by reading/hearing about two similar cases.

Both were about patients with lungs problem where after treating the patient for long enough, kin of patients were told by doctors- nothing can be done now.
in first case, it was father of a son in his 20s who was told this. He, not doctor/vaidya himself, not knowing where to go was asked to wait for death of his twenty something son in 3-4 days.

He searched for sanjivani for his son with intensity that only he could, and after two
days he gave garlic to his son..

This story had huge emotional impact on me. I am still a great fan of garlic years after reading that story, now not because of the story, but because of garlic itself.
Now, above was something I had read somewhere on internet but next is something experienced by someone well known in real life.

Essentially same story and after being given up by doctors, patient was given Kariyata (Kalmegh) kadha three times a day by his caretakers.
he too recovered in few days. I had not even heard of Kariyata before this. Today, I can say getting to know it was one of the best things happened to me.. I wont talk about it much here and wish you go and discover its amazing benefits yourself.
meanwhile, just a reminder that main point of this thread is this not herbs being some magic remedy.
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