It is now 2 weeks since I posted on hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil). As inappropriate and insufficiently monitored use increases, expect severe vision and heart related issues to be reported. Expect trials to be canceled when reality seeps in.
specific diseases, but also in the safe use of specific drugs AND the protocols for not just prescribing them but ALSO the ongoing monitoring and adjusting of how the drug is taken, for example (!!!) hydroxychloroquine. There should be no expectation 2/N
that professionals that are not specialists that regularly prescribe hydroxychloroquine for its regular use, to know about all the side effects and dangers. They may also not know the appropriate monitoring either. Evidence? The problems and fatalities 3/N
would not be occurring if prescribing and monitoring was done by experienced specialists. Why this thread? I'm an end user of hydroxychloroquine with almost 2 decades of adjusting dose levels and monitoring with more than 1 scare event. Thanks to my specialist doctors. 4/4
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