Look, my howling about passive eugenics isn't just for fun or to make myself sound batshit. I know how it sounds. I've also read the primary sources and heard what people like this have to say. It's a strategy, and it's been supported and normalized with open signaling. https://twitter.com/jaredlholt/status/1242154378775101441
After reading primary sources, studying documents and history of the border, talking to people across the immigration spectrum etc., there is no other conclusion. The immigration discussion was hijacked by eugenicists years ago, and now they're in the Trump administration.
I keep going back to this 2013 story from the extremely sober ADL pointing it out. Three relevant paragraphs also screencapped here: https://www.adl.org/news/article/ties-between-anti-immigrant-movement-and-eugenics
So consider -- if you think that "a few hundred thousand deaths" are justifiable to "get the economy running" -- just whose deaths those might be and why you think that's okay. And perhaps ponder the implications of "thinning the herd." It's not going to be someone else forever.
Oh and also because any decent person should oppose Nazis, fascists, eugenicists, and white supremacists. FUCK THEM ALL.
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