Tools I'm surprised aren't better known:
-  — free books! (don't forget to buy the ones you like)
-  a Photoshop clone that runs in the browser. 99% of the features, exact same UI and keyboard shortcuts, 100% free
- KillSticky: a Chrome extension that hides all sticky elements when you press Cmd+K. Great to unclutter a page / remove the headers and footers preventing you from paginating using the space bar
- : just drag and drop an image to remove its background
- : my favorite bookmark manager (once you start using one, you wonder how you used to live without it)
- KeyboardMaestro — just search for my mentions of it
- Alfred: like Spotlight, but better. The clipboard manager feature alone makes it a killer app. And same here — once you start using one, you can never go back.

(My usage of Alfred: 15.5k times since 2017, or 13.4 times a day. At $29, that's $0.002 per use.)
You can follow @Altimor.
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