Day 7 of quarantine: I have rediscovered my love for Minecraft. I built an entire pier/mountainside complex. It has taken me a full day’s time.

I’ve never felt so alive.
Day 8 of quarantine: Duolingo is the only one missing me. I was in the middle of making a cocktail and didn’t have ice: I proceeded to cry as I drank a semi-chilled rum punch. Things are going Fine
Day 9: there is ice again. I made a daiquiri for the first time, and it was very good (if I do say so myself, I opted for more simple syrup because I like lime but I hate Super tart). I have now adopted mixology as my calling, and it is included in my non-existent Tinder bio.
It has also been brought to my attention that the daiquiri was Ernest Hemingway’s favorite cocktail. I will now be using that anecdote every time I have one. Yes, I had to repost this tweet because I missed an entire portion of a sentence.

I’ve had 3 daiquiris.
Day 12: who knew it took a pandemic and a prison of my own thoughts to get me back to writing songs?

Let’s see where this goes.
(Technically) Day 15: just brushed me teeth for the second time in 2-hour time frame. My body clock has been thrown off massively. I miss Hangry’s, I’m definitely on UberEats tomorrow.
(Still) Day 15: Not having a good time!!!
Day 16: Burger secured. God bless Hangry’s.
Day 17: I feel bad ordering takeout two nights in a row, but my sister wanted Ponce and I can never turn down Puerto Rican food. And yes, I was so hungry I took a bite before I got the picture in; my jibarito, my rules.
(Technically) Day 19: I would commit murder for Cinnabon.
(Still technically) Day 19: Was falling asleep with my phone in my hand, realized I almost called my ex after accidentally tapping the Contacts app on my home screen. I am now going to practice social distancing from my phone.
Day 19 (again): just watched Roma with my parents and cried. Like, really hard.
Day 20: Mom made pancakes. She threw an extra one on my plate after I finished, and since me and my sister were the last ones eating, I figured I’d get a little cutesy. As you can (kinda) see, there’s mango under the whipped cream and that was the Best Part
Also that damn raspberry moved slightly right before I took this, gravity is my enemy
(Barely) Day 20: A sign of growth—I decided to make udon instead of ordering the 2 pizza puffs that were locked and loaded into my UberEats cart.

I will instead be ordering them tomorrow while I play video games. Magnifique!
Day 20: Was surprised to find an elotero out and about, but I’ve been craving an elote forever so I figured I’d get one even though I had reservations. He told me he was “scared but I gotta work” and it hurt to hear him say that.
I managed the last elote he had left; I payed and tipped him the value of another one. I pray for anyone who has to work in these times, man; I’d be fucking terrified. Take care of yourselves and each other.
Day 21: It’s been 3 weeks since my last day of work and I miss my team so much. Being part of management really does change your perspective on your work place, and I cannot wait to see my team again.
Also, I just made bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel at 3:45 PM because time is a construct that I’ve lost track of and the concept of breakfast food vs. lunch/dinner is irrelevant.
Day 22: Figured out how to scan QR codes into Animal Crossing, and I put a Blackhawks jersey on my villager. I am So Happy about this development
Day 22: “I hate this quarantine because all I’ve done is listen to One Direction.”

-Verbatim quote from my sister
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