Lloyd's a billionaire and Senior Chairman at Goldman Sachs. He could easily employ a team of actuaries, biostatisticians, economists, epidemiologists, hospitalists, infectologists, and statisticians to price out various cost/benefit scenarios.

But he won't, because...
/1 https://twitter.com/lloydblankfein/status/1241907502662418437
...the economic numbers blow up. Let's do a thought experiment. Assume:

(a) we still do enough social distancing to reduce infection rates by a whopping 75%;

(b) only 20% of infected people need health care services, and only 30% of those need an ICU.

What happens then?
The healthcare system collapses. Consider this article in the NEJM today: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsb2005114?query=featured_coronavirus

What I described above is the "severe" scenario. We'd have 3,840,000 patients needing to use 85,000 ICU beds, 160,000 ventilators, and 25,000 respiratory therapists (per shift).
"Restart the economy" people could do the math on "what does it cost the economy if over 3 million people need intensive care but can't get it?" but, of course, they won't, because using any reasonable value of a statistical life (VSL) puts that cost well into the trillions.
So if we follow Lloyd's advice we're already at *trillions* of dollars in damage, and that's with the rosy assumption we cut the infection rate by 75% and only 6% of infections need intensive care—and that's looking at just the ICU issue, and not issues like downstream effects./5
In short, "restart the economy" is not just callous and cruel, it is bad economics. It is another form of the dangerously wrong assumption that Covid-19 is like the flu. It is not. It is tsunami of pneumonia, respiratory failure, and death.

Like I said in the thread above: anyone making the economic argument to do less needs to show some math. A 75% reduction in the infection rate of Covid-19 still means >3 million people need intensive care but won't get it. What's the economic cost of that? https://twitter.com/matthewjdowd/status/1242199425432408064?s=19
Every one of these "restart the economy" arguments is based on a completely unrealistic estimate about the prevalence and severity of COVID-19.

It's like saying "the county fair must go on!" while a tornado is approaching. The damage would be massive. https://twitter.com/MaxKennerly/status/1242469716473585664
Nope, because pricing the "cost" of "over 1 million dead, over 3 million needing critical care but not getting it, over 20% of cops, firefighters, teachers, nurses, and doctors sickened" produces figures with far more zeros than a partial work stoppage. https://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/status/1242423482387968000
"I don't know" is outrageous. If he really didn't know, then, like Lloyd Blankfein, he could make a few phone calls and have a team of experts model scenarios.

Truth is, he knows the numbers are so insanely bad that they're not worth running. He's lying. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1242852543513821185
Hey, look here, some real economists ran "but the economy!" numbers and... big surprise, letting a pandemic spread unabated is not good for the economy.

Who could've guessed, other than literally everyone with a brain. https://twitter.com/gelliottmorris/status/1243568471637663746
Ah, now it's "health versus health." Okay, @SecAzar, show us your estimates. Let us see the trade-offs here.

But the "re-open the economy" people never have any estimates or analyses. They know the numbers don't work without ludicrous assumptions. https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1262017350280400903
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