I'm starting a thread here of all the movies I'm watching while self-isolating because why not

DETROIT ROCK CITY: This movie is absolutely insane and absolutely not good but I kind of loved it? Very energetic nostalgia piece with pure, chaotic, early-2000s energy
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN: This is the good one? Jesus. I expected a semi-competent action movie but was shocked at just how bored I was the whole time. I will not watch White House down to compare
BAD BOYS 2: Michael Bay is a terrible genius. Eventually I just kind of zoned out and started paying really close attention to the editing, which was really fascinating. Also, every joke feels like it goes on for 10 minutes and I found it unbearable, may watch again on mute
THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL: I made my housemate watch this as revenge for Olympus Has Fallen and we had a fantastic time. This is the Wes-Anderson-est Wes Anderson movie ever and I love every second of it dearly. Ralph Fiennes gives my favourite on-screen performance of all time
SAHARA: My housemate has been trying to get me to watch this for weeks so I threw him a bone. It's a pretty straightforward action/adventure movie, very watchable but mostly unremarkable. It stars a pre-2012 Matthew McConaughey, so he wasn't really trying yet
DODGEBALL: A TRUE UNDERDOG STORY: This is the kind of movie that you watch when you're eight and watch again when you're twenty and realize that you shouldn't have been watching it so early, but who cares because it slaps. Ben Stiller absolutely owns this movie, he's Oscar-worthy
THE MUMMY (1999): This movie slapped when I was 8 years old and it slaps today, kids. I'm astonished by it every time, I'm not sure if I could ever call it bad but it's definitely bizarrely dated. Brendan Fraser is an underrated action hero and he deserves the world
LIMITLESS: I can't believe I missed this movie when it came out because teen Ross would have LOVED this. It was fascinating and disorienting, the kind of movie where you just have to strap in and see where it goes. It never disappoints
THE MUMMY RETURNS: Honestly, I always thought this was way worse than the first one but they're about on par. Really strong first act but it falls apart more and more as it goes. Still a good nostalgia trip, though
GI JOE: RETALIATION: I will defend this as pure mindless fun until the day I die. This is the best movie any 12-year-old boy could ever see, especially because the action is surprisingly well-executed. If this had been the movie that opened the franchise, it may have done better
HELLBOY (2004): God, this movie whips so much ass. Guillermo Del Toro is a genius, and I wish every comic book movie looked this good. Ron Perlman is perfect. Not much else to say, I just really love this one
HOT ROD: This movie is pure brilliance. Not a single joke misses and the cast is just perfection. Absolutely the best movie to watch in a big group with a few drinks. Ian McShane needs to do more comedies ASAP
PUBLIC ENEMIES: Hadn't seen this one before, unfortunately wasn't a huge fan. Solid material at the foundation but the characters didn't do much for me. This is definitely a very stylistically-unique take on a period piece like this, but I can't say I was a fan of that style
GI JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA: I haven't seen this movie since it was in theatres (and I was 11) and it's been burned into my brain ever since. It's truly dumb as a sack of rocks and beyond desperate to be the start of a franchise. Good for a nostalgia trip but not even fun trash
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL: Every time I see this movie (never often enough), I find new ways to love it. It's the perfect blockbuster, and Johnny Depp's performance is just incredible. It also really makes me want to make a movie on a boat
WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER: This is just a classic. The sense of camaraderie and fun is infectious, and it slaughters a genre in the best way possible. I'm incredibly grateful it exists, and even more grateful that it laid the foundation for the TV shows, which I love deeply
3:10 TO YUMA: Honestly, I'm not really a huge fan of westerns - I find it hard to take them seriously - but I always really enjoy this movie. Russell Crowe and Christian Bale are magic together, and James Mangold's movies always look so beautiful
BATMAN BEGINS: Hadn't seen this movie in YEARS but it's EXCELLENT. Fantastic script, perfect casting, subpar action that's made up for with an overall stellar origin story. It's really nice to watch a superhero movie that feels like the work of a distinct filmmaker for a change
THE DARK KNIGHT: I need to rewatch this movie more, because every time I do, I find like 15 more things to love about it. It's been praised to death for over a decade, bit it deserves every ounce (even if the ending still makes no sense to me)
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES: Man, I wish this movie was better. It never could have lived up to its hype but it just feels so limp. All the pieces are there, but as a whole it just drags too much and stays too dull. I wish this trilogy could have been great from start to finish
INVINCIBLE: I don't have one single thing to say about this movie. All of these sports movies are exactly the same to me
BATTLESHIP: This movie is absolutely insane to watch. Every second that passed, I couldn't believe that I was still watching a movie based on the board game Battleship. This movie cost 200 MILLION DOLLARS
MADAGASCAR: This movie is absolutely insane but also ahead of its time in a weird way. There's an argument to be made that movies with this kind of wacky energy were the precursor for how modern memes developed. This is what I've taken from film school
RUSH HOUR: This is very fun and also VERY of its time. This is one of those cultural blind spots I've always had, and I'm glad I finally got around to seeing it. Jackie Chan is a king among men and he deserves the world. Brett Rattner, less so
HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY: Man, these movies are so great. Del Toro has such a perfectly-rwalzed artistic vision of the Hellboy world, and I'm absolutely in love with his style. The fact that we never got Hellboy III is a crime
JUST GO WITH IT: I feel as though I have looked into the void. Every time I watch an Adam Sandler movie I'm shocked that it was released, and increasingly more convinced that these movies are all money laundering schemes
THIS MEANS WAR: This movie is like a war crime. I have to stop letting my roommate pick movies, I think they're starting to kill me
STARSKY & HUTCH: This movie is INCREDIBLE. So much attention to detail in the production design and cinematography to make it look like a 70s cop show. Loved it way more than I expected
WEDDING CRASHERS: I can't believe I hadn't seen this before now. It's a really fun ride, definitely the most I've ever enjoyed Vince Vaughn (low bar, to be fair). Isla Fisher is the love of my life
KICK-ASS: This is not only the best superhero movie ever but also one of my favourite action/comedies. I aspire to write a movie this good one day
RUSH HOUR 2: Worth watching for Jakie Chan and some impressive stuntwork, but it's a pretty standard buddy cop movie
FOOL'S GOLD: This movie broke my brain. I can't feel my legs. Something about Kate Hudson's performance makes me deeply uncomfortable. Also, why are Ewan Bremner, Donald Sutherland, AND Ray Winstone all putting on fake accents?
ANIMAL HOUSE: I love this movie so much. Mainly because every time I watch it with my dad he laughs harder than I've ever seen him laugh
TRANSFORMERS: Watching Michael Bay's movies and noticing all of his little choices is always a really fascinating experience. Also, so many random little moments of sound from this movie are burned into my brain from watching this on DVD so many times
I'm going to keep watching movies but I'm bored of this thread, thanks for joining me on this journey
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