Let’s talk about Moon-Pluto aspects in the birth chart
First & foremost, moon-pluto aspects are probably one of the Most powerful, yet psychologically complex placements to have in the birth chart
People w/ Moon-Pluto aspects are very deep & intense people. They are “deep wells of emotion & intensity” a they feel things very profoundly & have very intense feelings
“What you see is what you get” does not ring true for them. There is always so much more than meets the eye with these people. They have a lot of depth to their character & are very multi-layered. They often have a much darker side that you never get to see at first
For the harder Moon-Pluto aspects - moon conjunct, square or opposite pluto - there is a distinct theme of transformation that takes place in people with these aspects lives. They usually have to go through the dark side that eventually gets them to see the light
Moon-Pluto people have very a tumultuous & chaotic inner life. They are complex and their needs are really difficult for them to understand. Their mission is to learn how to process all of their feelings in a way that makes them feel safe & emotionally comfortable
The problem here is that orginally Moon-Pluto’s comfort level is usually not the same as everybody else’s. Their idea of safety, security & comfort is more revolved around pain & trauma - the intense experiences in life
These aspects are a lot about the unconscious. They have a Nature that is very much about being nurtured & balanced through their attachments & their attachments to pain.
Since Moon represents the mother, The issues w/ Moon-Pluto aspects usually stem from the relationship w/ the mother figure. Moon-Pluto people often had a very complex & complicated relationship w/ their mom.
There is a very Common pattern of Moon-Pluto people having a monster of a Mom: a mom who was toxic, manipulative, abusive.. however this was often on a very covert level. The mom usually held some sort of psychological power over you
The dynamics between the moon-pluto person & the Mother made the person feel suffocated & controlled, and in turn created a compulsion to always control your emotions & keep a lot to yourself
The mother, in some way, subjected the Moon-Pluto child to so much volatility & instability that the child’s comfort zone became exactly that: volatility & instability - and instilled the idea that one is only safe when in a position of power & control
I think i fucked this thread up but this is the next tweet & the rest of the thread https://twitter.com/astr0l0gyjunkie/status/1242177920908451840
Im reading this book right now & something I read made me have to come back to this thread real quick. 😂
This was crazy bc I know at least 4 Men with moon opposite or square pluto who really do hate being out anywhere with lots of people or a large crowd
I remember I was with my ex & his friends and we were about to go out to this bar, which we never really would ever all go out, but his one friend who has Moon opposite Pluto was like “Nah I cant do crowded places” & stayed home 😭
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