I guess I'm publically committing to participate in the #100DaysOfCode challenge with @BrwnGrlGamrCode #BGGC100 we gonna be out here trying to get better! Learn More and Join me! https://100DaysOfCode.com 
Day 1: Worked on how to integrate *ngFor with cards in Angular/Bootstrap. I think it turned out pretty cool.
Day 2 was partly debugging and learning how to put in a function in card so that I could add a book to the card system directly from the website. I got it to work, but man was that frustrating at the beginning lol #BGGC100 #100DaysOfCode
Day 3: I'm already forgetting to tweet updates lol. I worked on some of the angular basics today, learning about pipes, and the beginning if some routing. I'm gonna need it for the project I'm working one, I want to learn more about pipes tomorrow.
Day 4: Learned about Services in Angular and worked on a practice project to see if this will fit into my main project. Services lowkey confuse me, tbh #BGGC100 #100Days
Day 5: learned about api's in Angular and I'm honestly still confused about how to use them. I'll be continuing this part of the project tomorrow. #BGGC100 #100DaysOfCode
Day 6: Built out the homepage component in the Angular project I'm working out. Learned about a tags and how to move images and text around to look better. Also added in some social media buttons for people to click through #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 7: Worked on learning some more about the API and then added in some SASS to the book list page to make the cards stand out a little more. I'm gonna have to be better about remembering to tweet these things lol #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Days 8 & 9: I'm honestly terrible at remembering to update on Twitter even when I'm doing the coding. Yesterday worked on embedding Twitch. Today learning how to make a Twitch chatbot and learned about services on Angular for my project. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 10: I forgot to tweet again yesterday... I learned some more about SASS classes for my project so that the books that I haven't finished would have a different background color than the books I've finished #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 11: Learned some more about services from old class studios from LaunchCode. It was mostly a learning day cause I've had some trouble focusing today. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 12: Worked on adding in some fetched data from Medium today for a tab on the web page. Tomorrow I'm gonna be adding some more SASS to it to make it look better cause its a potato right now lol #100DaysofCode #BGGC100
Day 13: Today was mostly just cleaning up. I try to use Sundays to review what I've been working on instead of learning or starting to learn a new concept. The website is coming through and I think that I'm beginning to understand Angular a little better #100DaysofCode #BGGC100
Day 14: Spent my hour trying to make the writing page on my website look better. Made no progress. I clearly need to learn more about sass... But man, can it be discouraging to sit there and not get something to work right #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 15: Some SASS changes have been made and I began to add some validation to one of my forms. I dont fully understand it, but we're working on it #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 16/17: We're back to forgetting to tweet updates lol. Yesterday and today was focused on adding in validation to a new contact me component on the website. Still working on getting it all working but making progress! #100DaysofCode #BGGC100
Day 18: I really just do not understand what I'm doing wrong with the validation I'm adding. Today was a light day cause I'm gonna spend a long time tomorrow trying to figure this all out. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 19: Validation finally works! I was missing the ngClass for one of the form input points. Tomorrow we'll be focusing on unit tests. So if anyone has good resources on those, please hit me up. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 20: Kinda wild to think it's already been 20 days. Today I mostly focused on learning the basics of unit tests for Angular. I'm still confused, but I'm feeling okay about it. All of this is a process #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Days 21-23: Wow. I really got behind on Tweets here. I've been working on unit tests for the last 3 days. I got all of them working, but I'm still unsure about the whole concept. Excited to finish up this project and start learning some C# #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Also Day 24: Checked my @NotionHQ tracker for this project and noticed that I did miss tweeting a day on here. So today was also all about learning unit tests and with the help of google and some friends, i got all my tests to pass #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 25/26: Last couple days I was helping out some friends with their Angular projects, coding alongside them and making sure that I was cleaning up my own project. I want a break from Angular, so I'm starting to learn some C# for @unity3d for the next bit #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 27: Kept working on the @GameDevTV C# 2D Unity course. It's definitely different than the languages that I've been working on but I'm excited to learn this one! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 28: Got into some user input stuff in the course today. So far, I'm liking C# a lot more than JS/Angular stuff that I've learned in the past. This is actually pretty fun #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 29: Finished up the number wizard project for my unity udemy course. I'm definitely feeling some overlap from learning JS and that's making me feel more confident about my ability to learn new coding languages. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 30: really wild that it's already been 3o days since the beginning. Today I laid down the foundations for a text adventure game for my unity class in C# #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 31: Had a pretty bad headache all day so went back to my Angular project and did some touch ups on making the code a bit cleaner and making some changes to add some content I'm wanting. #100DaysofCode #BGGC100
Days 31-35: Honestly not been feeling motivated on tweeting my progress cause it's been fairly slow going the last few days. Got caught up on some of the steps for the text adventure game and been going over them the last couple days. I'm still here tho. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Days 36-37: Needed a little bit of a break from C# stuff, so I went to go check out and update some stuff on my old Angular project from earlier in this challenge. It's cool to see where I started from and makes me hopeful to see where I can go! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 38: Spent some more time in Angular before I head back to C# tomorrow. Wanted to update the article cards that I had been working for this project, and I think that they look a lot better now. Not finished, but better. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 39: Did some more Angular work because my brain was pretty tired today. But I kept working on cleaning up my last project some more, trying to build up those Angular and Bootstrap skills. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 40-41: Continued my C#/Unity Course over the last couple days. Doing my best to be on social media as little as possible, so keep forgetting to update on here. But I'm still working on it! It's been exciting to continue learning new skills #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 42: Continuing to learn more about C#/ Unity. I'm really enjoying the @GameDevTV udemy course so far! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 43: It's funny because as we were ending out coding session last night, I told people to not forget to tweet out their progress and then I didn't tweet. Worked on the C#/Unity course yesterday. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 44: Finally finished up the lesson that I was working on in the C#/Unity course from http://GameDev.tv . It's been cool learning C# through a game dev lens! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 45: Did some code refactoring and refreshing before heading into the next lesson. It's crazy to see where I started this challenge at versus where I am now! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 46: Set the foundations for the next game project for the Udemy course. Also considered starting up an @WordPress course that I have on there as well because I'm interested in WordPress development #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100 #keepLearning
Day 46: Part 2. Found out yesterday that I'm an official graduate of @LaunchCoderGirl so that's awesome. If you know of any front end web dev jobs, hit me up! I'm new to coding, but I'm a quick learner! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Days 47-48: Late night tweet cause I just remembered to update. Been working on building a block breaker game for my C#/Unity course. it's been really interesting so far! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 49 and 50: still plugging away at my C#/Unity course. Might take a break tomorrow cause I want to jump back and do a refresher on JavaScript or might start that WordPress course lol. Guess we'll find out tomorrow! #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 51: Decided to stick with the C#/Unity course for today. Learned about some new methods in C# as it applies to Unity and made some good progress towards finishing this block breaker project. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Days 52/53: Worked on a short HTML refresher. I moved pretty quickly to Angular and Bootstrap, so I feel like I didn't learn HTML like I should. Haven't been feeling great the last couple days, so I didn't want to push myself to learn something new to me. #100DaysOfCode #BBGC100
Day 54: Made my return to Angular tonight. Spent a lot of it trying to figure out how to do side navigation on the site for an idea I have. I'm not sure if I fully know what I want to do, but I'm looking forward to figuring it out #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 55: Spent most of the day fighting to remember some Remote Github setup stuff. I'm a bit lost, but after giving myself a headache, I'm gonna take the L and come back to this tomorrow. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 56: continued my fight with getting my github repo set up. Whew was that frustrating to me. But it's working and now I can get back to putting together the foundations for my next project #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 57: Went well over the hour today trying to get some major work done on my latest project. It's starting to come together after learning more about Bootstrap classes today. I think it's gonna look good at the end. Also, wireframes are important #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 58: Kept going strong on the Angular project I've been building. Focused on finishing up the landing page for the site. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to get to the bottom of the errors I've been getting when iI try to use SASS #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 59: Spent some more time on the newest project. Today focused on migrating over to SCSS instead of SASS, I couldn't figure out the error I was getting. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 60: Continued updates on the Angular project. I was feeling kinda down today so it was nice to have something to focus on. #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
Day 61-63: I'm back to being bad at updating this thread, I guess lol. Spent the last few days setting up the landing page for the Angular project. Next on the list is setting up a backend and maybe hosting using Firebase #100DaysOfCode #BGGC100
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