A lost history thread
The frozen final frontier, the only unexplored continent. Antarctica has never been inhabited, and never been host to a prehistoric civilization. Is this true? Or just another lie that has been spoon fed to all of us? Read on to learn the Truth about Antarctica.
Antarctica is from the Greek word “ἀνταρκτικός” and it means opposite to north. Originally Antarctica was called Australia—it’s full name being “Terra Australis” Latin for “south land”—before it’s name was changed at the turn of the 19th century.
There is great power in the naming of things, especially when using an ancient tongue. This name—ante artic—is to strip the ancient power that the land once held and to imprint upon our minds the image that is desired, the lowest of lands, the lesser southern pole.
For such a cold and frozen wasteland Antarctica has a lot of active volcanoes.
The secret of Antarctica has been kept long enough; I will hide it no longer. Antartica is the true North Pole
Through cataclysm the poles of the earth have been reversed. North is South, right is wrong. This upheaval of reality was the beginning of the Kali Yuga, the dawn of the darkest age and the fall of Hyperborea.
Antarctica and South America were connected in the past; their combined peninsulas creating a land bridge that the inhabitants of the Hyperborean homeland travelled across. Serrano write about these beings. His name for them was “The White Gods” the polarian race that ruled earth
This race of people were said to be of massive stature, giants who ruled the world from their kingdom beyond the ice. But once the kingdom fell they migrated south.... or was it North? To settle in what is now known as North America.
This prehistoric migration is not in any history book, perhaps by an act of global omission in which the existence of this race of fair skinned giants has been erased from public record despite the archeological evidence to the contrary. And Antarctica has become a no fly zone.
Topographical scans of the continent all have an anomaly, a place where data is missing, always in the same spot. These images are from the NASA website, under an operation called “icebridge”
What is the reason for this anomaly? Is it the blind spot of the satellite 🛰 as they claim? Or is it a clever cover for something else, something that amazingly slipped through screening on one of the updates of Google Earth. A massive hole in the ice.
A WW2 Admiral who was in charge of the Antarctic mission “Operation Highjump” had an alleged Diary that describes the “southern” continent as icy only on the coastal areas and past that the land was filled with lush forests and wildlife. This wouldn’t be the first time NASA lied.
What is the purpose of such concealment? Why hide this polar gem from the world? NASA is the architect of our perceived reality, the Hollywood of the stars. This false shadow reality is upheld by the facade they create.
For this facade to hold up to scrutiny there can be no doubt in the scientific institutions. The discoveries made in Antarctica would destroy faith in all of the narratives they have constructed. The evolutionary timeline would be shattered. Along with modern geology.
What secrets does Antarctica hold? The remains of a great civilization, the archeological proof of a race that predates all known civilization, and an entrance to the caverns that lie below the earths surface. Bull all of these secrets remain under the ice.
Back to the anomaly in topographical scans, the one aligned with the polar axis. What created the massive hole that is hidden there?
Aitken Basin is the largest crater on the moon, 5 miles deep and 1200 miles across. There are huge deposits of frozen water in this basin. This is where the moon collided with earth. This is how Hyperborea fell for the second time.
There is no way to discern the size of the hole left here on earth save measuring it ourselves. A true Antarctic mission has never been tried! What wonders await those who discover the face of the true North Pole!

The truth will turn our world upside down.
Read more about Hyperborea here:
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