CW/ CPTSD & mental illness

I almost certainly have CPTSD, though I got the cause wrong, it’s actually because of my emotionally abusive mother 🙃

The autism reactions plus the CPTSD reactions to stress just combine into a nice ball of unhealthy coping mechanisms
And to use this as a teaching moment, CPTSD is Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s in some ways similar to PTSD but instead of one or a few “acute” moments of trauma causing a reaction, CPTSD comes from repeated trauma, such as abuse
While there is some overlap in possible symptoms between CPTSD and PTSD, there are also major differences in symptoms
Here are some other handy diagrams about common symptoms of CPTSD
For those that think they may have it but are concerned that certain symptoms don’t describe them, please remember you don’t need all of these symptoms to be affected. In addition depending on when the trauma occurred some symptoms may have occurred before you recognized it
For example I was thrown off by the fact that those CPTSD will see their worldview shift drastically, and increasingly become misanthropic. Which I thought didn’t fit me, until I realized I actually spent many years in that state before I inadvertently got help for it
I hope if anything this can help someone else start on their journey to recognizing and addressing their CPTSD and start to heal from their traumas

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