I also stumbled across the following on Reddit ...
This same strain forced folks in DENMARK to destroy 50,000 birds for H5N1
Here's some more in this...this link is weird you have to scroll down to see the story but read this one.

There is a k ow transmission and high fatality rate in some of these avian strains...

Let's think about this for a second.

What are the chances of multiple outbreaks at ONCE... of diseases that Target the LUNGS and the FOOD SUPPLY.... and have capability to cross species from animals to humans?

Smelling something rotten yet?

Let's continue.

Up next - Swine Flu
And my my... isnt that NYTimes coverage a lot different than the COVID coverage? Very critical of china. Unlike now.

But almost in defiance of Common Sense, the NYT takes the same top down failure of the CCP to control an outbreak of swine flu and refuses to draw same lines now
Culling birds
Culling pigs
Culling people

THAT is what is happening RIGHT NOW.

Taken separately, these are all bad - but overlapping all in the SAME YEAR??

And bad pork smuggled into ITALY??

I posit this theory:

What if china declared biological war on the world and it ended up hurting them too?

What would the CCP do first?

Cry victim?
Blame another country?

Hmm what's that they said about covid19, again?
Read that article well.
Swine flu is now in Serbia, Africa, Japan, The EU including Greece, China, Myanmar, India, Vietnam...

Sound familiar?

Spread on swine flu in pigs is global
Spread on H1N1 is global
Spread of COVID is global

Now ya picking up what I'm throwing down?😡
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