So this little pupper jumped in my car at the trailhead today. Wouldn’t leave. Anyone I asked (shouted to from a distance) said he had been there alone for hours in the snow. Gotta admit: He smells terrible and he made my day.
He’s really young. Skinny too, under all the fur. I’ll be calling around tomorrow to find his family. If this is your little boy let me know in the DMs.
Should this be your guy, I deliver! Beware as I will also ask if you need any canned goods/medications and whether or not you are feeling isolated.
UPDATE: We’re doing some light burr/pine resin removal and he’s taking it better than I am 😬
And I'm realizing this is not the first time during this campaign that a pup has jumped in my open car door seeking sanctuary/a ride. Last summer, while on the campaign trail:
I totally forgot that this is actually the THIRD dog our campaign has found.
Idk how I could forget about you, Corky. Many apologies.
Vet is checking for a chip and giving him a wellness checkup. Feeling very conflicted🤞
The little guy doesn't have a chip! I'm glad he's brought as much joy to 182k people as he has to me. Our Governor has put in place a stay-at-home order until at least April 10, so looks like I'll have someone to hang with at home! And during zoom meetings! What a journey.

He just ate a live ant.

And he may be part corgi w/ these little stumps for legs.
He’s still malnourished but starting to get some of that puppy energy back.
I swear I’m actually doing important work today remotely. But since my twitter feed has turned into dog content I’ll feed that beast...
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