so we watched #SelfMadeNetflix & i’m disappointed that they created a colourism/rivalry storyline between Madam CJ Walker & Annie Malone. you know i’m the first person to want to talk about the very real issue of colourism... (1)
but being that the Addie Munroe character was based on actual person Annie Malone, WHO WAS ALSO DARK-SKINNED (!!!), i’m trying to understand why it was necessary to create a rivalry between these 2 successful female entrepreneurs & make it about skin colour... (2)
yes they were rivals. but not b/c Annie told Walker she was too ugly/dark to sell her products. Madam CJ Walker worked for Annie Malone 1st. &then she stole her formula & created her own very successful brand. that is spicy enough, no? did we need to make Addie a petty colourist?
& YES, i know the series is simply “inspired by” madam cj walker. but damn. i really thought that was the story till i did some research. and if you make something that’s meant to be based on someone’s real life & then add some SERIOUS alternative facts, it’s just kind of... (4)
like... i was genuinely upset for her!!! i was like WOW THIS LIGHT-SKINNED WOMAN WAS REALLY TRYING TO HOLD HER DOWN!!! and then i researched it and i’m like...
ok, my rant is over. i never do threads and i kept forgetting to add numbers to this shit, but YOU GET THE POINT. (6?/END)
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