1) Files discovered in Argentina have revealed the names of 12,000 Nazi's, which is not German, it means Nation Zionism.. they lived there in the 1930's & many has Swiss bank accounts.. the US based Simon Wiesenthal Center, who is famous for tracking down Nazi's, when he's
2) Connected to them, has asked credit Swiss to identify the dormant bank accounts.. we believe that these long dormant accounts hold monies luted from Jewish victims, the center says. The papers were found in a storage room at a former Nazi's headquarters in Buenos, Aires..
3) this is no different than the Rothschilds & that mental institution trust they were searching for last month.. Nazi Zionism (Globalism) it says in the article, began seizing jewish property after enacting racist laws in 1935 & a colossal amount was stolen during the holocaust
4) in the 1940's.. much of that wealth was transferred to secret swiss bank accounts.. like Deutsche bank or the SS bank.. from 1930-1938 Argentina had pro nazi military regimes lead by president Jose Felix aka Von PePe.. the world was told that the Nazi's were the 1940's & now
5) here we are in Argentina. Now, where did the Nazi's flee after the war, including Hitler.. ARGENTINA.. along with his successor Augustine.. that's the story that the media has put out.
Ignore the narrative behind this..why??..
Because this is FACTION fighting between the
6) Rothschilds & the Black Son groups over money.. THEY stole off the people!.. not just from Jewish people either, oh no!.. this is part of the guilt program that has been ran on the western world people for the last 75 years, by the likes of Wiesenthal & the other groups out of
7) NY & Israel Holocaust museums.. they are siphoning & laundering vast domes of money, while their own people are enduring hardships & poverty!..FACT!..
Later in their article, it says the clock ticks on the Swiss banking system..
Who wines those banks??.. ROTHSCHILDS.. what is
8) the Rothschilds family??.. JEWISH.. who stole off of all the Jewish people??.. the ROTHSCHILDS!.. who refused to safely remove the Jewish people out of the camps, as was arranged by Adolf Hitler & Churchill in 1942??.. the ROTHSCHILDS!.. this is Black Son information b/c the
9) Black Sons & Rothschilds are fighting each other, we're going to get a lot of disclosures out of this.. but always remember, the likes of the Wiesenthals are putting themselves off as pro people, but they're definitely NOT!.. we warned in January about high profile firings
10) & Thomas also said the fall or collapse of the old system, could happen in February.. Some parts of that have been unveiled & some parts haven't yet..
Here is a list of CEO's that are gone in the past month alone.
-Bayer (Rothschilds)
-Victoria's Secret
-Uber Eats
-Sales Force
-IBM now known as I was M
-MGM resorts
Expect many more to come..
Big changes ahead! Stay strong, stand tall, trust God, shine your light bright & be the reason someone believes in good people! ❤
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