COVID Myth-busting Thread: Too many myths floating around. Here’s part 2.

1/10: Avoid shipped packages/gas pumps/shopping carts/ATMs or you’ll die.

Coronavirus surface survival is one thing; that surface causing an infection is another. Wash your hands; live your life
2/10: You can catch COVID-19 from ordering takeout food/Chinese food (or the packaging of food).

COVID-19 is a droplet related infection (like flu) not a food-borne infection (like salmonella etc.). There is no documented COVID risk with take-out food.
5/10: Taking hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin preemptively is a good idea to prevent COVID.

These (experimental) drugs for coronavirus should only be used in selected COVID patients. They can sometimes cause fatal heart rhythm problems plus other side effects.
6/10: I receive messages that using garlic/lemon with hot water/onion in the room will prevent or cure COVID-19. Is it true?

No, it’s just made up stuff.
None of these substances have been scientifically tested against COVID. Don’t share such posts; they create confusion.
7/10: Our governor has declared a state of emergency. It must mean that we are all dying...

The state of emergency is more of a legal than a medical standard. It allows governments to access more resources (like federal funds) and personnel (like the national guards).
8/10: Always change your clothes/shower after coming home. Or you will bring coronavirus to your family.

Cleanliness is a virtue; paranoia isn't. Let’s not scare people. Our biggest return on investment is in handwashing, staying 6 feet away, avoiding large crowds, etc.
9/10: But the messages I receive are from doctors in China/Italy. Why shouldn’t I believe them?

Real doctors publish their research in scientific journals, not on social media. Lots of good research is already published. Let’s not fuel misinformation.
10/10: That’s it, folks. Let me get back to work, where doctors and nurses, these heroes, are dealing with some really tough situations. RT if you’d like me to share some of their triumphs and trials with you next time. Good luck all. We shall cross this bridge together.
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