Day 9 Quarantine:
iKON as Persona 5's phantom thieves: A thread

- Some explanations might be a stretch even if I've been thinking about this a long time ago
- Just for fun!
-Photos from the terrible blingbling stage đź’€
- Took the P5 photos from another thread forgive me
Hanbin as Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
- Both very capable leaders
- Either confident gay or an awkward softie. No in between
- Flexible, talented and pretty
Bobby as Ryuji Sakamoto
- People who don't know him are intimidated by him
- Is actually a very good boy, censors his cussing
- Most well built body wise
Donghyuk as Ann Takamaki
- Loaded with fan service
- Bad bitch if tested
- Underrated
Junhoe as Yusuke Kitagawa
- Tall and gorgeous
- In their own world most of the time
- Both are extremely talented yet are held back by old men (YG and Madarame respectively)
Yunhyeong as Makoto Niijima
- Mom friend
- Has a beautiful sister
- Secret leader, the glue of the group per se
Jinhwan as Futaba Sakura
- Small lmao
- Everyone wants to babie/protect
- Attracts people to the fandom
Chanwoo as Haru Okumura
- Rich
- A cinnamon roll but can fuck you up
- Introduced later than the rest
And lastly, iKONICs as Morgana
- Annoying as fuck
- Tends to nag alot
- Still vital to the group
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