I've seen a lot of travel folk saying "should I write about travel when everyone's on lockdown (or should be)?" My answer would always be yes, if you want to write about:

- wonder
- curiosity
- learning how other people live
- tolerance
- empathy...

- the joy of looking stupid & getting other people to laugh at you (my beat, I'm starting to think)
- landscape & history
- all the sciences & arts
- the importance of community and of helping others who need that help

- how to connect with things far greater than you'll ever be, and why that's a really good thing for your ego in the long run

And other stuff I'm not smart enough to have thought of.

But I reckon there's plenty.

Easier said than done.

(And zero comfort for anyone watching their travel-related income fall off a cliff right now. 😞No easy answers there.)

But I reckon travel is also about hope, and I think we're going to need a hell of a lot more of that in coming weeks and months.

This book from @Al_Humphreys is a good example. It's more about what goes on in your brain, it's very British, it's wise in a non-preachy/annoying way, and it's a fun read.

And he just reduced it to free on Kindle:


Grab it.

Also about travel-except-not-really-except-yes-absolutely-really:


It's @Eric_Weiner chasing down ideas of happiness around the world, about how we choose to be happy & what we can do about it.

It's also funny. A double assault on grumpiness.

This book is wonderful, playful, a bit mad, and a perfect example of a travel-not-travel-yes-travel book:


Read this lowdown on it at @brainpickings: https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/08/24/how-to-be-an-explorer-of-the-world-keri-smith/

It's about opening your eyes to what's around you - including at home.

(I also love this statement from her book - screenshotted from the Brain Pickings article.

Ye gods. If you're looking for a template for the kind of writing-about-travel that can be done right now, THAT'S it in a nutshell.)

"Towards the end of the 18th century, a young aristocrat, confined to his house in Turin for 42 days as a result of a duel, decided to both ease his boredom and make a joke of it all by writing a – well, there it is in the title."


That book is mentioned in the final chapter (I think?) of this one by Alain de Botton:


...which is about the great ideas underpinning why humans like to travel, including a few that are self-deceiving nonsenses that need rethinking.

This book by @DogUmwelt is about what you can see when you go for a 10-minute walk:


No, really. A whole book on just that:


We see so little and miss so much. This book is a wake-up call.

I'm going to keep adding to this thread (see the top for what it's about). Friends who are worldier than I am, please yell suggestions at me if you have 'em!

Travel essayist Pico Iyer wrote a book subtitled "Adventures In Going Nowhere":


Considering things right now, it sounds alarmingly on the nose - but it's really about finding stillness to stop your brain catching fire. Needed.

Here's a book about not going overboard (eg. buying your own body-weight in toilet rolls in a single shop):


@LolaAkinmade is a travel writer. But this is a book about a way of living that can be adopted *anywhere*.

4 rolls max, please.

Award-winning journo @evaholland is smart & brave & does crazy outdoorsy things - but she's not at all fearless.

But since she's smart & brave (& maybe crazy) she wrote a book about fear. Go preorder it here: https://www.amazon.com/Nerve-Adventures-Science-Eva-Holland/dp/1615196005

Good time to read such a book: check.

So, from a travel perspective, try writing about fear (after reading Eva's book).

Or write about risk, after reading @kaytsukel's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Risk-Science-Courage-Caution/dp/1426214723

Or uncertainty, after reading this by @jonathanfields: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052RHDY2/ 

( @kaytsukel @evaholland @jonathanfields I think all three of you should gang together and write a book called "Foreboding: The Science Of Anticipating (And Avoiding) The Worst". You could get really creative with your preorders marketing.)

"Travel is, at its heart, as much about fascination and learning as it is about physical exploration." - @patriddell, NatGeo Traveller UK editor: https://twitter.com/patriddell/status/1242791809262202881

(Reckon that's also why most people read travel stuff, even when movement is unrestricted.)

Okay, so, this book.

It's included in any roundup of famous travel books - but it's...not *really* about travel? Except maybe kind of?

It's an honest, unflattering self-portrait of someone falling apart (the film, not so much: http://travel.cnn.com/explorations/life/haters-guide-eat-pray-love-879103/)....

...but the travel's a backdrop, & the focus is usually inwards.

Worth noting that Liz Gilbert never meant it turn into a "how to find yourself" guide for the emotionally fragmented, or a "travel the world & fix your life" thing.

Which is good because it's neither.

Or stay home and mercilessly take the piss out of the kind of travel you love! (May be a British thing.)

"Nomad" is tremendously awful, the pettiest and least self-aware Partridge has ever been, & the results are sublime/excruciating.

Read it.


This book's a rare thing: an expat "year in the life" tale about living not on an olive farm in the country, but in a big, noisy city:


It's also "On Looking" put to work. Write about where you are, where you live right now. (Look hard at it.)


A good way to discover how woefully ignorant you are of what the world actually looks like, at ground level?

Play this game, and make a guess that's less than a hundred miles out:


Bet you can't.

Further, #lockdown-related intermission:

This thread from @FloraBaker is a couple of cubic miles of good stuff to keep yourself busy with right now:


"All great civilizations are based on parochialism. To know fully even one field or one land is a lifetime's experience...it is depth that counts, not width."

- Patrick Kavanagh, from @RobGMacfarlane's intro to Nan Shepherd's 'The Living Mountain': https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005GK7LQK/ 

This book (I'm currently reading it for the first time - reason: https://twitter.com/RobGMacfarlane/status/1241793461759639554) is a gorgeous example of the power of looking closely at what's so familiar to us that we never actually see it. A book created from attention fully paid:


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