OK, I’ll explain why this is a big deal in (hopefully) simple terms... and why it’s not “just like flu”.

Background: I’ve worked in healthcare research for 20+ years and am currently working with companies that have switched track immediately to make ventilator parts and... 1/n

So, why is it “not just like flu”, when the symptoms even appear to be milder?

Flu is prevented in many, many cases by immunisation of vulnerable, thus taking a proportion of people out of the equation immediately. Healthcare workers, teachers and school kids are..
Also immunised. Thus limiting the “shareability” absolutely massively.

None of this is possible (yet) with Covid.

Flu still kills thousands and takes up lots of hospital beds. Many of those folks go on to recover.

Secondly, flu has a shorter incubation time until symptoms...
Appear. (1-4 days). This limits the spread, as poorly people don’t tend to mix a lot and can easily self-isolate.

Covid takes an average of 5 days to show symptoms, maybe up to 14 days. All the while you are contagious. So, in this case, you may infect 2-3 x as many people...
All of whom take 5 days to show symptoms and infect a further load of people.

So, under normal flu, hospitals can cope. Many of those that present at Drs are otherwise healthy and make full recoveries with a bit of care. Still strains the system, however.

Now, with Covid...
There are none of the above avoidance measures (vaccination).

So, what we have in society is a time bomb. Of the people who went to the pub last week, or stood in queues in shops, a massive number are now infected.

Many of them will ignore the government advice and visit mum...
All the while feeling absolutely fine.

They may or may not notice symptoms this week and will phone mum and dad to check on them. Mum will feel fine, but dad is doing a bit of coughing. Uh oh.

Now, multiply that by the millions of over 60s and add in the fact that normal flu...
Hasn’t gone away, and suddenly lots of over 60s are visiting hospital. Some of them in critical shape, as they thought they’d just shrug it off as they do every year.

Beds are now full. But that’s ok, as it’s just the most critical that are being looked after. A day later...
Lots of 40 year olds with asthma or who smoke start realising this isn’t going to clear itself. They’ve developed walking pneumonia. A day later they can’t get out of bed and decide to head to hospital.

Unfortunately all the beds are full, so they get sent home...
You can guess what happens next. Beds are already full and people are dying at home.

This is not intended to be scaremongering. It’s a hypothetical example of exactly what will happen if we don’t stop mixing *now*, assuming it’s not already too late...
So, in summary...


#MothersDayShoutOut #MothersDay #COVID19
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