I know you're going to be asked to make some terrible decisions in coming months.

But PLEASE. Please. Don't assume disabled people do not have rich, full lives we want to get back to. Please don't just automatically choose us to be the ones who die.
I've already seen too many comments or videos from doctors talking about the terrible decisions, comments praised and supported by abled people, which centre on 'not being able to be you again'.

These ideas are lethally dangerous.
A disabled life is not a tragedy. We don't become expendable just because our lives don't look like yours.

So I am begging you. If I end up in hospital with this, please do not assume I'm the easy option to let die just because I'm disabled. My life is worth saving.
I understand that there are lots of conditions which *some*, not all, disabled people might have which make survival much less likely, so in a triage system you have to focus on people who can be saved. That's not what I'm talking about.
I know the decisions will be cruel and impossible to make. I'm sorry you're going to go through that. Just, please, don't fall back on the already-systemic belief in the medical field that disabled people are not worth saving. Look deeper. Please.
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