- you only see him on eid tbh
- amazing kirat skills though
- probably has 786 in his users
- comes to iftar for the food
- hookah lounge 24/7
- the mosque boy everyone loves
- will help out making iftar
- fights people who ask girls why they /can’t/ pray once in a month
- always has your back
- says astaghfar for the smallest things
- posts halal raps on soundcloud
- “wallah” after every sentence
- calling everyone “brother”
- leads the jamaad most of the time
- always giving zakat
- posts halal raps w/ rahman
- went to sunday school most of his life
- always count on him to correct your praying positions
- always researching islam
- has an “allah” in arabic necklace
- most excited for ramadan
- wakes you up for fajir
- also says “wallah” too much
- hypes the kids outfits for eid
- lies that he prays sometimes
- dresses better the girls on eid
- passes decorated water bottles out after iftar just because
- most emotional when praying
- hookah plug
- always saying jazakallah for his looks
- most impatient when fasting
- first to wake up for sehr
- cooks 60% of eid food
- gets along with the moms
- sends muslim memes to the gc
You can follow @JJK1LOVER.
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