🦝Animal Crossing Tips Thread!🦝

I have hundreds of hours in this game series throughout my life and I can see a lot of new players popping up on my timeline so here are some really helpful tips to help you progress and make money! I’ll answer specific questions as well!
🌼Don’t sell the gold ore! It’s rare and while it sells for 10k bells, you’ll need it to craft with later

🐚 Need money? Sell fish and shells to Timmy. Red Snappers themselves are found in the ocean semi frequently and sell for 3,000 bells each
🌴Out of building materials? Rocks no longer giving any stone or ore? Use 2,000 nook miles to get a nook mikes ticket and take a flight to a random island to stock up. I go with all tools + enough to remake tools that break and come back with everything I can grab
❗️Speaking of rocks! Do not break your native rocks and destroy your native trees when powered up by fruit! Rocks respawn for slowly and hitting a rock to get materials rather than breaking it gives you more.
🍊When you eat a fruit, you can use a shovel to dig up an entire tree and plant it elsewhere. This is vital if you do not want to wait for new fruit trees you found on a random island to grow again. Just dig them up and replant them at home
🥇Ever see a little glowing spot in the ground? Dig it up for some buried bells! Don’t cover the hole up! Rebury as many bells as you can afford to plant a Money Tree that will give you three stacks of whatever you buried. I buried 10,000 bells myself.
🐧Speak to your neighbors anytime you run past them. Sometimes they’ll give you gifts. Other times advice. Sometimes they’ll even give you a tip of a visiting NPC character on your island.
🐝 any time you catch a brand new fish or big, keep it and turn it into the museum. These miles quests will bank big miles in the long run AND will help you open the coffee shop later. My museum isn’t built yet but I’ve stockpiled all new animals in front of the construction.
⭐️I love keeping my bells in the savings account personally because you can earn interest on them each month!
📚 Important things to get
- redeem 5,000 miles for the Inventory Management Guide and you’ll get a bigger inventory!
- any new DIY recipe bundles in Timmys shop
- Nook Miles Ticket; Good way to earn money and materials
- Tool Ring; easy access for switching tools!
🍀Save materials! I keep a full stack of sticks, light/dark/wood, stones, clay, weeds, and iron ore in my inventory at all times. All excess goes into my house storage. This is essential for tool making and story mission progression!
Once per day, one of the rocks on your island will output BELLS instead of rocks. The best method of getting 8 successful hits is by digging two holes like this, standing between them, and hitting the rock with your shovel until it stops

I run around and hit all my rocks like this once per day to get a bunch of materials and get my money rock. It’s a good practice to get into if you’ve not been getting a full 8 hits into your rocks.
🧃On the topic of fruit power ups, when you eat your fruit, a little box saying #/10 pops on in the left hand corner. That signifies that you have that many #s of strong hits in you. These hits will break rocks or fell trees so use this power wisely!
⛏As for tools! The axe that’s simply call “Axe” will fell a tree in three hits. The flimsy axe and stone axe are safe to use to gather wood without wrecking your trees.
🕷Sometimes you’ll run into a tarantula! (Or even islands full of them!) Put on a brave face, quick switch to your net, and catch it! An inventory full of tarantulas are worth over 200,000 bells! They can net you some serious profit if you’re okay getting chased and frightened.
You can follow @RIPmika.
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