Of course this happened outside shortly after I posted this.
Zur Farbenlehre, 1810.
Sample Plate, 1920s. (Cooper Hewitt has loads of great stuff like this). https://collection.cooperhewitt.org/search/collection/?query=spectrum
As a former archaeologist, this wouldn't be complete without some Munsell thrown in. https://archive.org/details/AtlasMunsellcol00Muns/page/n1/mode/thumb
Favorite of the day. La Grammaire de la Couleur, 1882.
Only one today, but it's fun (or at least quirky).
Spending lots of time indoors these days, so here's some for interiors. Color Schemes for the Home and Model Interiors, 1919. https://archive.org/details/colorschemesforh00frohuoft/page/9/mode/2up
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