Self-isolation recipe: “Jazzed-Up Sardines.” Them fish, 🍅 sauce, onions, actual tomatoes, *lots of* soy sauce & shakshouka-esque 🥚 — and we’re good to go. @ladysmallbeard
Self-isolation recipe 2: Dalgona coffee. Or Greek coffee. But here’s the drink. 5 tsp instant coffee, 4.5 tsp sugar, mix them up (use mixer) until viscuous, 1/2 glass of milk, coffee blend on top. ☕️

Recipe from “자도르J’adore” on YouTube.
Self-isolation recipe 3: Thai green curry. Spicier than intended, but thankfully saved by canned bamboo shoots, truckload of peas, Vietnamese eggplants (cà pháo) and bag o’ bell peppers.
Self-isolation recipe 4: Paella. Or paella-esque since many substitutes were involved. Either way, a meal. 🎉
Self-isolation recipe 5:

World’s horrible. Need a pick-me-up. So I tiramisu 😉
Self-isolation recipe 6:

Berries for the tiramisu are leftovers from this (oversized) pavlova I made a week earlier. First attempt. Bit too sweet.

The peaches look nice but they have *zero* taste 🎉
Self-isolation recipe 7:

Make sweet what’s bitter, my parents would say.

And so, it’s stuffed bitter melon soup time! 🎉
Self-isolation recipe 8: Creamy cashew chicken from @foodwishes. It’s heaven.
Self-isolation recipe 9: In (stressful) anticipation of Laura, make (English) chicken tikka masala. Thank you again, @foodwishes!
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