As a #CovidBride, it has been extremely difficult finding the good in everything going on. But I realized that it was affecting my mental health, so here’s a thread of some positives with our date change and some good things going on right now:
1. First, we have been Fortunate to have a wedding planner who called me Monday morning with the news of a postponement, let me cry, and cried with me. She called with a game plan, and by the end of the day we officially had a new date.
2. She was able to work with all of our vendors, who were outstanding. We had every single vendor move their schedules around and every single one was able to do the new date with absolutely no fees or penalties. We got them all.
3. Our travel agent was calling me all Wednesday for the adjustment of our honeymoon, and was very transparent with the changes. We always wanted to go on our honeymoon right after the wedding, but for Jamaica in July, it’s not possible but she made magic happen.
4. Ellyn was able to give us a new honeymoon date AND save us over $300. How?? She’s magic, that’s how.
5. Every single member of our bridal party has been outstanding - they all were quick to reach out and quick to reassure that, no matter what the date, they would be there. Loyal.
9. To everyone still coming - STRAP IN, it’s gonna be a HOTTTTTT Louisiana July. But we’re excited to see you all in a few months.
6. My family (that I was most concerned about since they’re out of state) IMMEDIATELY reassured me that they would be there no matter what. Both my siblings called me and listened to me cry, my sister in law reached out to me individually and Matt’s family reached out as well.
7. My friends back home all did the same - they regrouped, readjusted, and rebooked their flights. Without question.
8. I believe this has brought us together. We are truly heartbroken and once April 4th actually comes I’ll be mixed with anger and sadness, but this has to be done. And we understand that. Matt has been amazing, and we will get through this, just like every other #CovidBride
You can follow @KatieBug_05.
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