How to be productive at home during quarantine (in terms of deen):

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1) Build a relationship with the Qur’an - you don’t have to be a haafiz to memorise surahs of the Qur’an. Sit with your mushaf & perfect even the smallest surahs that you read in your daily prayers. Even if it’s Surah Fatihah/ikhlaas etc. Start off small & perfect gradually
2) Use this time to memorise the 99 names of Allah SWT - Prophet (pbuh) said “Allah has 99 names i.e. 100 minus 1 & whoever memories them, will enter paradise” (Sahih Bukhari)
3) Memorise Ayatul Kursi - The verse of the Throne has many, many benefits. Whoever reads this after every prescribed prayer, nothing stands in between him & jannah except death
4) Read upon the stories of the Sahaba (RA) & Ambiya (AS) - read & learn about their lifestyle, learn their hardships & how they overcame them. Learn about their characteristics & try to implement it in your life
One reason why I keep mentioning memorisation, is because during this qurantine time, we are away from the fitnah of the outside world alhamdulillah. Memory is a virtue given by Allah & Allah does not bless the sinners.
So be sure to control how you use your social media too
May Allah SWT make this time a good time for us to become closer to Him & may Allah SWT keep our hearts
steadfast on His deen. Aameen

May Allah SWT grant us the tawfiq. Aameen
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